
Chapter 37

I took a stick of gum from a pack I kept in a pocket in my duffel, and while I chewed itthoroughly, I stashed my clutch piece, a Beretta Jetfire that I’d done some modifications on, in my pocket and left my Glock tucked in the springs under the bed.

When all the taste was gone from the gum, I left my room, locked the door behind me, and hung a Do Not Disturb sign on the doorknob. Then I stuck a very thin ribbon of gum from the lower panel of the door to the doorframe. It was too fine to be readily seen,but it gave me an edge. If anyone entered my room while I was gone, I would know it. I wrapped the rest of the wad of gum in the wrapper to throw away later.

I went back down the stairs and nosed around. The first floor consisted of a dining room with five tables, and even though there were only me and the newlyweds, each table was set with place mats and place settings, crystal and silverware, and with a centerpiece of fresh flowers.
