
Chapter 28

“I can wear that, sir.” He did a decent job concealing his confusion. “But a thirty-six is more comfortable.”

I went to the storage closet. Sperling had used it mostly for junk, but I believed in being prepared for all contingencies. Along the back wall was a rack that held various articles of clothing, and I found a lab coat that should fit him.

“Here. You’re going to need this. When the son of a bitch comes in to pick up his prescription, he’ll be dealing with a replacement pharmacist. Ms. Parker has your nametag and a pair of John Lennon glasses for you to wear as well. Keep your hair likethat.” The widow’s peak that had been so pronounced on Saturday was hidden by the way his hair was combed today. I opened my desk drawer, withdrew the inhaler, and gave it to him. “Now get over to the pharmacy on Connecticut Avenue.” I told him which one specifically. “They’ll be expecting a replacement for the regular pharmacist.”

“Yes, sir.” Matheson left, his game face in place.
