
Chapter 23

He sobered. “Is there anything to salvage of your video and book collections?”

“Probably not.” I shrugged again, as if it didn’t matter, although in a couple of instances, it did. One of those books had belonged to my father, and God alone knew how it had survived all the moves my old lady had made. It was just a yellowing paperback, but….

I wondered if I could dry it out in the microwave.

And then there was the art book The Boss had given me. If he knew I was getting sentimental over it, he’d probably—

Something else struck me. “Quinn, what will you tell her?”

“Mother? The truth, if she asks.”

Was he out of his fucking mind? “You’d tell her we’re—”

He raised an eyebrow. “Contrary to your belief that I’m a mama’s boy, I don’t go running to her whenever I take a new lover. Not that I take one very frequently.”

I never believed…Wait a second. He saw us as lovers? The corner of my mouth kicked upin a pleased grin.
