
Chapter 23

“Well, he kissed me,” Roderick stated.

“Yes. Delilah, Judas Iscariot, femme

fatales, all well known for their kisses,” Madelyn said.

“You don’t think he meant it?”

“We’ll see,” Madelyn said. “I just want you

to be prepared if he didn’t. I mean, a lot of people would have

kissed you just to get you out of the store. You invaded the man’s

space and turned his clients on him.”

“So what should I do?”

“Nothing,” Madelyn said. “You’ve done

enough. When you pissed me off, I needed time. See if he calls. If

he doesn’t, wait a few days, and then call the bookstore. Don’t go

by there. If you really want to embarrass someone, you go by their

job. Right now, don’t do a thing. Give him time to cool down.

Hopefully, he’ll come to you.”

“Got you,” Roderick said.


“So how do I look?” Alex asked, carefully

scrutinizing his appearance in his full-length bedroom mirror as he

waited for Tim’s response.

“Uhm…good. I like the brown vest. Suede.
