
Chapter 39

“Just after eight,” Reed replied.

“Okay, but we may have to make a quick stop at the mall. Do you know what time they close?”

Reed chuckled. “Of course I do. You lock yourself up there in your ivory tower all day and never see regular folks. I deal with waiters, dishwashers, cooks, maids, in addition to the membership. The stores are running back to school sales. They will be open until eleven.”

Bear folded his bulk into Reed’s black Jag. They were silent during the five-minute ride to 225 Clinton, home of Police Headquarters and Trenton’s Municipal Court.

“Do you think Martino will still be there?” Reed asked.

“He’ll wait for us. Remember, I trained him,” Bear answered easily.

“Yeah, that’s right. Martino has been a member of Indiscreet for five years. I forgot who showed him the ropes.”
