
Chapter 31

A/N: I feel like this chapter is a lot of build up but I promise you things will happen in the next chapters! There probably won't be any other non action packed chapters in a while (or ever). I didn't want to make this chapter too long though!


"Well...Junghee...do you want a real answer? Or are we making conversation?"

Junghee POV(ch31):

I hate to admit it but, Yuto has a point. Did I really care about how he was doing? Or was I just making conversation because Gina told me to?

After a quick three seconds of thinking to myself (because Yuto's still waiting for a reply) I realize that yes, I do still care about him. He is my brother after all.

"Don't do that to me Yuto. You know I care," I soothe, the upper right corner of my lip twitching into a smile.

Yuto looks at me, and with that one look I'm not sure if he's about to say something borderline scary like he did before, or if he's trying to muster up the courage to tell me how he really feels.
