
a kid wants to marry Yu Dong?!——-2

Shen Jin immediately asked what was going on in his head and only then did Ye Liu realise that Shen Jin didn't know about the Big Stone Village which was eating children and mers, he thought about it carefully and decided to tell Shen Jin, the child was young but he was wise and rather mature for his age, surely he will understand what he was trying to say even if he was to get scared, in fact, he would have written a letter to Ning Yu and explained the matter to him but it would be rather risky.

In case the letter fell in the hands of Mother Shen or Shen Han Xing, they will simply throw the matter of human-eating beasts to the side and grasp on one single thing and that was —- the Yu family treated Shen Jin well, it will only embolden them even more and they will start doing more atrocities. 

Which was why he could only tell Shen Jin about the matter of the Big Stone Village. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
