
I am not here to fight

Dedicating todays chapter to OneMore_Chapter22

Yu Dong saw that Shen Li had everything under control and as for Chen Mi buying those spicy books, she didn't say anything. Chen Mi was at a similar age as the young adult girls of her world, most probably his interest must be similar to theirs as well and given that he was already a father, there was no need for her to ask why he bought them at all, as long as he knew how to take care of those books.

What Yu Dong didn't know was that this decision of hers would one day make her smash her head against the wall.

After lunch she took Yu Tong to the place where the rest of the women and the mers who didn't come with Yu Dong were, she didn't have to walk for long because even though the women didn't come with her, they didn't dare to go any further than Yu Dong. Unlike Yu Dong and Li Li who knew how to hunt, except for the farming tools they never picked any other weapons. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
