
[Bonus chapter] not that fast

Yu Dong was indeed really angry, her temper hardly ever flared up but when it did, it was terrible. As a spiritual cultivator, Yu Dong needed to control her temper, because when she got angry, she lost control of her powers. Just like right now, because Yu Dong lost control of her usually calm powers became a frantic mess. Trees in the forest fluttered, while the moon slowly hid underneath dark clouds, casting gloomy darkness at the foothill of the mountain.

Thunder lightning crackled and the crowd that was excited just a minute ago suddenly calmed down. Though neither of them linked the sudden changes with Yu Dong they still felt that whatever was happening was simply crazy! The weather was completely fine a minute ago, then how come it turned stormy within seconds?


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
