
A Smart Boy

The boy looked at her with his big green eyes twinkling. He didn't look very strong as he still was a child and his hands looked soft like he has never done hard labor in his life. But she could see that he has some training in swordplay as she saw the callouses. His bright face brimmed with hope and he had determination.

"To protect, Your Highness," he said with his eyes widening as if he was waiting if someone would ask him that question. "To protect those who are dear to me."

  "Oh, dear! What a spectacular child!" Alexandra patted his shoulder. "How old are you to have such an honest wish?"

"I am twelve, Your Highness," he said. "but I am man enough!"

"Hmm…" Alexandra's lips curved up. She was impressed by this boy's patience and resilience. He endured everything Maximus did all this time to learn swordplay.
