

Seoul, a city both equally loved and hated. A city of marvel and miraculous happenings. Some beautiful, others woven with tragedy.

As the countdown reaches zero the consequences manifest. An album filled with dedication, hard work, love, passion and a question of life's importance is birthed into the world. Seven bulletproof boys within the city of Seoul gather in celebration, that is, until that happiness is ripped from their grasps. Despite being used to the turbulence that came with the territory, nothing would prepare them for the news they received.

Elsewhere, tucked away in an well established corner of the city. One reserved to harbour the deep dark desires of men of power, lay the source of sevens turmoil, blood pooling from the head injury, hanging on to life by a thread.

Despite the synonymous name, no one was immune to the devastation of a bullet to the brain.

Perhaps though, the lasting red thread was the one of fate some refer to, because by some miraculous chance she'd been discovered in the knick of time.

By pure dumb luck the girls bodyguard had decided to follow her that faithful morning she got into that black Benz. Upon arriving at the homicidal scene, stricken with panic he had the sense to rush her to the hospital.

News travelled fast, but, there was no turning back the hands of time. What's done had been done. A wheel of fortune had been set in motion, no one knowing where the arrow would land.



Well, how's everyone feeling?

What do you think is going to happen?

Did you have a favourite part? Did you think something else should have happened?

Lemme kno~

But, for real, thankyou for everything,

As I'm writing this I'm working hard on new beginnings.

Hopefully with it will be a breath of fresh air.

One that Jia craved so badly for in the end...

IMPORTANT: I will post the sequel now, so please go to my profile to find it <3
