
36. Dealer


A soft touch circles my hip, I peek open an eye to see Tae's peacefully sleeping face mere inches away, which, only meant one thing. The one tucked hotly behind me was Jimin. I was so sleepy that keeping my eyes open was impossible. I lay there, concentrating on the delicate yet loaded touches. Jimins touch shifted to tease at the hem of my shorts, skimming over the bare skin of my ass and my hip. I squirmed. A small snort came from him. He was awake and messing with me.

"Stop it" I whispered. But he didn't. Instead, I felt his breath in my ear as he whispered back.

"Or what? You don't want to wake Tae up do you? He sleeping so peacefully".

Jimin had always been brazen but this was next level. I stayed quiet as his touch dragged lower, slipping over the fabric of my shorts. I bit down my whimper. Without warning, he dragged the material aside a plunged a finger in me.

"Jimin, you're joking right?" I whisper yelled but he only giggled, dipping his finger in a couple more times and pulling back out. I let out the breath I'd been holding, desperately trying not to stir Tae but then, I felt something thicker push teasingly between my folds.

"This is gonna be fun. Better keep it down if you don't want Tae catching us" Jimins dirty little game was unexpectedly turning me on. The exhilaration of getting caught, Jimin is something else.

I nudged my hips down and dipped the tip of him in me, he inhaled sharply in surprise. "Oh no, that's not how this works" Jimin squeezed my hip and slammed into me. I whimpered, stealing a glance at Tae but he hadn't moved.

Jimin started rolling his hips into me, his motions were so fluid it had me reeling. Then Tae started groaning and lay on his back. I swatted Jimins hand urgently and he pulled out.

"Mmm. You guys awake?" Tae rasped as he tossed back over and slung his leg over the both of us wrapping us in a bear hug. "Yeah. I have to get up soon. Can't be late for class" I mumbled, reaching up and pushing Taes hair out of his face. He smiled, eyes opening up and blinking at me a few times.

"Go get ready then baby, I'll make breakfast" Jimin wiggles out from under Taes leg, sat up and stretched. "Can we make pancakes?" Tae perked up at the thought of food and sat up too. "Yeah, do you have any pancake mix?" Jimin asked as he stood and skipped over to the kitchen.

"It's in the cupboard" I told him before standing up and stretching too. I still felt half asleep as I shuffled past Jimin and Tae who were now eagerly removing things from my fridge.

I shut the bathroom door and threw off my clothes. The water felt refreshing as it ran down my skin. I was just standing there basking in the feeling when I saw the bathroom door open and Jimins blonde head pokes into view.

"How do you want your pancakes? Just butter or maple syrup?".

"Omg, Jimin!" I quickly hugged around my chest out of reflex. He came off bewildered. "Huh? Why are you acting so shy? I was literally balls deep in you twenty minutes ago" A smirk followed.

"Just butter! Now get out" I yelled, Jesus the audacity. I wanted to slap him but after I'd answered he hummed "okayyy" and shut the door again.

I finished up, dried off and tossed an oversized jumper and some legging on. When I went back into the kitchen Tae and Jimin were seated at the kitchen counter chatting, three plates of pancakes served up and ready to be eaten.

"Thank you for the meal" I hummed happily as I slid into the seat across from them. "Anytime" Jimin smiled sweetly. We chatted casually about this and that, class at first then their idol training. Somehow the topic had shifted to Joon and that was when Jimin asked something that nearly made me choke on the bite I'd just taken off my fork.

"A little birdy mentioned that you slept with Namjoon Hyung" Jimin raised a brow as he stared at me. I spluttered, taking a sip of water to try and recover my composure.

"Who told you that? Did he?" I queried, I hadn't told that to anyone. Not to mention it'd only happened a few days ago.

"Maybe, Maybe not" Jimin teased. "Did you?" He went on. "Stop prying into her sex life Jiminie" Tae let out a bemused sigh.

"We did" I watched Jimin as I replied.

"How was it?" He bobbed along, apparently more interested in the story than bothered by it. "It was cute actually, Joon is sweet" I looked down at my plate, it wasn't awkward per say. But talking so openly about my sexual affairs wasn't something I was used to.

"Yeah, but I mean, how was it?" I looked back up to see Jimin trying to contain his cheekiness with a pursed smile.

"He's big. I've only seen it flaccid in the shower but I can tell" Tae hummed thoughtfully. "C'mon. Spill the tea" Jimin urged me on. "Okay fine, he's really big. That's true. I couldn't even fit the whole thing in" I went on matter-of-factly. "So he's bigger than me?" Tae questioned, intrigue written all over his face. "By a little bit, yeah. But I think you're style is more intense than Joon" I admitted.

"Ohh. That's interesting" Tae rubbed at his chin. "Hm. Guess I've got to step up my game then" Jimin asserted, licking at his lips.

"Jimin. You have this charm, I don't know how to explain it but, it's irresistible. Sometimes you make me simp so hard. You don't need to step up your game at all. I don't think I'd survive if you did" I pushed my hands through my hair and sighed.

"Oh? Tell me more" Jimin chuckled cutely, toppling into Taes shoulder as he did. I just laughed it off and finished eating. I glanced at my phone and saw I'd have to leave soon. Tae and Jimin dropped me on campus before leaving.

The weather has warmed and the sun was shining. Throughout my day random thoughts would pop into my mind.

Jimin and Taes cute smiles.

Sentimental moments Joon and I had shared.

The rush of my first time with Hoseok that time at that party, and all the fun we'd had since then.

Yoongi, even though the times we'd spent together seemed to have come about accidentally, he was someone I'd come to hold very dear.

Jin. Our time together was spontaneous and had originally come unexpectedly, but, he was also someone I wanted in my life for a long time to come.

Jungkook… My heart sunk a little at the thought of him. My thoughts automatically flickered back to the time he's saved me from drowning. It still terrifies me. Even before that, the times we'd spent together eating noodles at convenience stores or getting wasted at Kareoke. Then he left for America. We'd made a promise.

No matter how many times I went over it in my head I was left without a clue. I just couldn't fathom what had gone wrong.

I pulled myself out of my reflections. My last class for the day had come to an end and I needed to go home and get ready for work.

At times it felt repetitious, this routine. But, I'd accepted that's just how life is.

Tonight was another intense, high strung drinking extravaganza with Daesung and his four other co-idols. When he'd arrived he smoothly pulled me aside, drew a small suede blue box from the inner pocket of his pristine tailored suit and opened it to uncover a simple yet elegant necklace. The pendant brandished a small encrusted diamond. It left me conflicted. It was a generous gift, one I hadn't foreseen.

Was he that into me?

Maybe I'd been too focused on the negative. Maybe I should let my guard down a little and give him a chance?

There was so much happening around me as glasses were passed around, the karaoke blared. Seungri who was the Maknae of the group was talking to me over the uproar that ensued around us. I started feeling dizzy so I excused myself and went to haul Cece out of the room with me for a short break.

"How are you holding up?" She asked as we stumbled towards the toilet together, her arm around my midsection. "Yeah, a couple of lines would help though" I giggled. Hoping she'd have some on her. "True, I'm just waiting for my dealer to drop some off. Wait" She pulled out her phone from her purse and checked it.

"He's out by the back door, come on let's go" She yanked my hand and pulled me down the back corridor. It was much quieter and no one was around. We reached the back door, Cece pushed it open and stepped out.

My jaw nearly fell to the floor. "Yoongi. What are you doing here?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Jia. Can we talk later? I don't have time to explain" his stoic attitude hit me in the chest. "You know each other? Wow, small world" Cece glanced between us as though genuinely unaware.

"350 for the bag" Yoongi slipped it into her hand as though it was second nature. Cece passed him the cash and shoved the bag into her brassiere. "Thanks, take care out there" she gave a short wave, grabbed my hand and hauled me back inside.

I pinched my forehead in my hand as Cece dragged me back to the bathroom. What the hell had I just witnessed. "Are you alright? What was that all about?" Cece asked as she shut the stall door behind us.

"He's one of my good friends. I can't believe he's selling you coke. I'm just- fucking confused right now" I sighed, gazing back up to Cece as she cracked open the bag.

"You should confront him later. If that was me I'd want an explanation. He's a nice guy though. He's been selling to me for a while now. Always looks kinda dangerous, but, it's funny. I recall this one time he gave me some cookies. Said he didn't want them. I dono, anyways" she finished rambling about her odd encounters with Yoongi and sniffed a couple of lines then passed the bag to me.

"That's so random. Cookies?" I questioned, just to make sure I'd heard right the first time.

"Yeah. Chocolate chip" she giggled. I broke into a tiny smile, how could I not. But, it didn't change the fact that I had some serious questions for Yoongi. It would have to wait for now seeing as I still had work to do.

Feeling clear-minded with a touch of confidence I joined the party again. I noticed Dae had disappeared so I slid back in next to the youngest. Striking our chat back up where we had left off.

The rest of the night was steady sailing. Afterwards, I took a cab home. It had been long and tiresome. I just wanted to crawl into bed as soon as possible.
