
Chapter 16

Once he was alone Eirwin moved into his office. He needed to balance his work with his research so he didn't get too far behind on anything.

Cyber security and technology were not something he enjoyed or cared much about but it was a good area to get into for the money and options for expansion and partnerships.

The only problem with it to the dragon was all the work and people he had to meet with. He was good with people, but that didn't necessarily mean that he enjoyed working with people or wanted to spend as much time as he did around them.

Eirwin also lamented the fact working so much and trying to figure out a way to lift his curse that many of the books he had collected had not yet been read and instead were mostly just collecting dust.

Eventually though he knew once everything was settled, however many years that took he would have time to do all the things he wanted to do.

He expected that it would take a few decades but if it meant he could be free from the curse and get revenge for what happened to him due to his family, it would be worth all the time that it took.

As he was working through his computer and calendar while talking on his cellphone to apologize and reschedule with some clients that he hadn't had a chance to meet with yet.

He always tried to make sure that he didn't make clients wait too long on him when it came to booking appointments and such. This was a bit tricky though considering over the years the number of clients who had come seeking out his services and advice.

Eirwin had always tried to start out with a fair price but as he gained more knowledge over the years and became more familiar and aware not only what he was doing but also how to hire good employees that he could trust which also required a certain amount of money.

"I know, Thomas. We've been trying to get this all worked out for a while now. I think next week should work though if you have space in your schedule." He told the other man on the phone. The dragon's charm was high today as he worked on smoothing out the feelings of impatient clients.

"Yes, yes. Absolutely I do remember that. Don't worry, I've cleared enough space on my schedule that even if you can't make it to come see me to discuss necessary software and service price, I can come to you instead." Eirwin continued as he took down notes while listening to what the other had to say.

Thomas was of his uncommitted clients. He had been talking on and off with the dragon for weeks now about hiring him to help with their Internet and data protection, but he still had yet to fully commit and the dragon knew that his best bet to make it happen would be to go and visit the human and talk with him in person.

"Mhm, I can do Wednesday." he crossed something of on his schedule as he gave a reply. Not that he would at least be having a temporary assistant, Eirwin realized that he was going to have to spend a lot less time trying to organize his own calendar to match all the things he had to do with what time he had.

They talked back and forth for a few more minutes as they made sure everything was straightened out. Once the call was finished with the dragon sighed, he was certainly one difficult human.

He marked a few things off and was getting ready to make his next call when his corded office phone started ringing. Eirwin didn't bother answering it because he presumed that whoever was calling would leave a message for him since that was his nonwork phone.

"Hello Hello Eirwin. I'm pretty sure that you're there and just ignoring me as usually." the voice on the other end of the phone had made sure to not start speaking until he was certain the message to start recording voicemail had ended.

I have some important information that I think you would like to know about, but I'll wait to tell you tomorrow since I'll be coming in with the next flight. You can expect me to stop by some time tomorrow once I have a work break. Ta-ta." The click sound following this indicated that the other had ended the call.

Interesting information? The dragon couldn't deny that that alone had caught attention.

The person who had left voice message was one he knew that he could rely on as well.

The sources that he got his information from were all reliable thus far which left him little doubt that whatever the other wanted to tell him would indeed be interesting.

What it would end up being about though was something that he would have to wait for the next day to find out for sure. Instead, for the rest of the day he needed to focus on getting his schedule sorted out.

He also needed to make sure that he didn't get too distracted and forget to put together uke temporary work contract that he told Heather he would have ready for her the next day as well.

Eirwin made sure that he wrote it down with a number of other things that he needed to do. It would make sure that he didn't forget it if each time he turned to do something else in his pad that he wouldn't be able to miss the reminder unless it was something he purposely wanted to know.

Once Alfred was back and he had gotten some more work out of the way including what he needed to do for Heather, Eirwin determined that he was going to take the rest of the day off and enjoy it since he knew that it would be a while again after this or at least he hoped where he would get the chance to take time off during the day.
