
Baldwin Diplomat

"So you investigated the Eraz family feast?"...

"yes my king, in all 36 wise masters were at the banquet" Mochizuki Chiyome....

36 is a big number, luckily i manage to make an alliance with yezzan zo qaggaz.... anyway it's good to know who to eliminate to avoid problems, the other 24 wise masters must be neutrals or allies of yezzan which i don't intend to trust a lot, I must trust only my own people...

"You did a good job Chiyome, keep paying attention to the Eraz family's movements"...."yes my king, I'll take care of it" Chiyome...

I actually intended to use Chiyome's ability to assassinate razdal mo eraz, however if that happens probably all other wise masters will be offended, after all it is a great crime to kill a wise master, before I have enough strength this option is not Good.

The best thing to do is to keep recruiting soldiers, I can also use diplomacy to win more wise master allies, at least the neutral ones, I can use financial advantages too.


After sending Chiyome away I went to my council.

"baldwin, tell me as ruler how best to get allies" I ask.....

"Everyone has something they want my king, some want wealth, land or women that's a fact but everyone fears one thing, which is death, you told me about first aid techniques or ways to clean wounds, regardless of whether you're a wise master or a simple peasant, that should be a good bargaining chip" Baldwin....

Are you afraid of death? this makes sense, if I remember correctly yezzan zo qaggaz suffers from a disease he acquired while visiting the continent of Sothoryos.....it is impossible for me to cure this disease because I am not a doctor yet another disease that did not even exist in mine world, but it's not impossible to ease the pain

Whether distilled alcohol or tea made in a difference way can serve to alleviate symptoms, thanks to an alliance of interests I get yezzan zo qaggaz to help me hold almost half of the wise masters but ultimately this is at most keeping them neutral, no end only me and my army will fight but if I can help yezzan in his illness it is not impossible to have a military alliance...


POV; Baldwin

My king learns more every day, before he just wanted to recruit soldiers and kill enemies to dominate the city, but now he sees that to do that he needs money, he needs contacts to buy weapons and also diplomacy to seek allies, unfortunately I cannot help my king in battle but I can still advise him...

"my king, I ask you to let me go to some wise masters, I will convince them to join in a commercial alliance, with your liquid tea idea and this soap guy besides profits can attract allies, most of these wise masters win money from sex slaves, soap can improve the hygiene of your slaves preventing illnesses for customers is something they should want but this is just one step, it is possible to develop the commercial alliance to become a military alliance, as long as their interests be the same as ours, they won't keep watching us have problems".....

"Alright baldwin, I'll leave this job to you, I'll give you the symbol of my family you can solve everything as you like and be my diplomat" Zarudo...

this idea of ​​my king's soap is really good, I didn't know that we can prevent illnesses and even deaths of soldiers just by washing.... if i had that maybe i... now it's over, i have to do the my best for my king....



Eraz family mansion

"Chief of the 36 wise masters who came, all 36 agreed to speak for us in the council of wise masters, 28 of the 36 agreed to sell some sex slaves at a low price so we could replace the lost slaves we had in the last attack, overall it was a great success" butler.

"They don't do more than their duties, now I want to know why 24 wise masters didn't come, that fat qaggaz family is acting against me" Razdal..."and how is the recruitment of mercenaries going to make up for our lack of soldiers?".

"We have hired 3 mercenary groups each with 2,000 soldiers, we are negotiating with 1 more, the battle strength of these mercenaries is better than those rubbish who died in the attack, boss" butler.....

"Don't talk to me about that crap, we spent so much money and they died so easily, it's better to hire mercenaries, a little gold and a whore it's all taken care of, let these mercenaries into the city, when the last mercenary group arrives I want them to attack and destroy the Tonesiazz family"....

Tonessiazz boy, I will make you regret having offended me....

