
Deceptive Shell


Emilia was well aware of the fact that Norman regarded her as an 'ignorant' child. He was neither the first, nor the only one around to 'underestimate' her like that, after all.

Far too many people believed what they saw and heard too seriously. And once they'd categorized someone as a certain type of person in their hearts, it was easier to selectively ignore some hints instead of changing their already established thoughts.

Of course, since she'd worked so hard to act like that, the crimson-haired girl would never fail to make the most of the opportunity.

Her glittering-blue eyes and smug yet charming smile made it so that, not to mention Norman, even those scrutinizing her far more carefully never once doubted the authenticity of her words.

Even the most skeptical of them only worried about her bragging too much, with their perception of Emilia already solidified as a somewhat arrogant but easily deceived little girl.
