
321. Criminals

The 3rd day's events finally end, and the scores become like this:

Fairy Tail B : 58 points

Fairy Tail A : 47 points

Mermaid Heel : 34 points

Blue Pegasus : 25 points

Sabertooth : 22 points

Scarmiglione : 14 points

Lamia Scale : 13 points

Quatro Cerberus : 9 point

It's very surprising that Lamia Scale, a strong contender for years only gets 13 points and Sabertooth only gets 22 points. The main cause for their low scores is, of course, Fairy Tail. Lamia Scale always gets paired with Fairy Tail Mages in the battle rounds and hasn't won at all.

Ben & the others feel bad for them, but this is a tournament, so this can happen. They don't feel bad at all for Sabertooth though. They will even feel better if Sabertooth gets the last place in the end result.

There are still 2 days more before the tournament ends. So they can't get too full of themselves yet, but a little party at night won't hurt anyone. The Fairy Tail Mages have a small party that night in their hotel.

Then in the middle of the night, Ben leaves the hotel stealthily. He goes to a dark alley and enters a hidden door after making sure no one sees him. Inside the room, there are 3 people that Fairy Tail Mages know so well.

"I have been waiting for your call," says Ben.

"Sorry, it was a lot harder than we thought," says Jellal.

The one waiting for Ben in the room is Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy. These 3 have formed a group named Crime Sorciere. It's an Independent Guild that they made with the purpose of eradicating Dark Guilds to atone for their sins.

Jellal should've been imprisoned now, but Ultear & Meredy rescued him. Then they made this guild and start their mission to eradicate Dark Guilds affiliated with Zeref. Their Guild has eradicated many Dark Guilds in the last few years, unlike the Magic Council which always stays passive.

2 years ago, they made a secret deal with Fairy Tail. Makarov agreed because he knew capturing these 3 and giving them to Magic Council won't do them any good. It's better to watch over them while also letting them attack Dark Guilds.

Then in this Grand Magic Games, they got information about Zeref's involvement. It might be Zeref himself or his worshippers, but it's dangerous anyway. So they are investigating it right now.

Ben is in charge of exchanging information with them. He will also help them if they meet a dead end. But they haven't contacted him at all in the last few days and have just called him tonight.

"So, what did you find?" asks Ben.

"We found some indications that the Royal Family might get involved in this. We want to confirm it but it's very difficult to enter the palace. The security there is very tight," says Ultear.

"Hmm, I don't know how the Royals get involved, but they might know something. I will find a way to help you investigate the Royal Capital. But for now, I want you to watch over Lucy & Wendy. I've been keeping an eye on my guildmates because Sabertooth might do something. For the last few days, I kept getting a feeling that the 2 of them were being watched. But I couldn't find who they are. I want to investigate it further, but I have other things to do. So I want you to do it in my stead," says Ben.

"Alright, leave it to us, and we'll leave the Royal Family to you," says Ultear.

"Good, with my status as a Wizard Saint, it will be easy to enter the Palace," says Ben.

Jellal nods before asking, "Erza doesn't know about us yet, right?"

"No, but you better tell her sooner or later. Also, there are some more people who need your explanation," says Ben.

"Milliana, huh? I don't think she will let me talk to her, but I will find a way to at least apologize to her. I really owed her & the others an apology," says Jellal.

"Well, it will be hard, but you will be relieved after doing that. No need to rush it though, you need to do it in a good situation," says Ben.

"No need to rush it, huh? You also said that when I offered you to use my magic to open yours & your guildmates' second origins," says Ultear.

"Opening second origin with your magic will certainly make them grow faster. But I believe that opening it through their own efforts will give better results. You've seen how much they've grown using their own efforts," says Ben.

"Yeah, I'm certainly surprised by how much they've grown. They might've even opened their second origins already. As for you, I'm sure you've opened it a long time ago," says Ultear while smiling.

"Maybe," says Ben while smiling.

Ben talks with them a bit more before leaving the room and returning to the hotel. He teleports there because he has marked his room's coordinate. Mira sees him return but she doesn't ask anything and just welcomes him back.

The kids are sleeping and after Mira sleeps too, Ben makes 7 clones. He sends the clones to infiltrate the palace and gather information. Then he sleeps too after making sure his clones won't disappear after he slept.

The next day, they go to Domus Flau again for the 4th day of the Grand Magic Games. None of Ben's clones has returned so they must've got a hard time gathering information last night. But he let it be and just focus on today's tournament.

He looks at Sabertooth's stand and sees them have dire expressions. They must've gotten an earful from Jiemma last night because they didn't win the battle yesterday. But unlike Yukino, Orga didn't get expelled. Probably because he has contributed a lot of points for their guild.

Anyway, the 1st event starts, and it's a game called Naval Battle. From the name alone, it's obvious that this will involve water. It might be a game in a pool or something, so they need to send someone that is good in the water.

"Hmm, I want to send Juvia, but she isn't even a reserve member. Who wants to volunteer?" asks Ben.

Mira & Cana immediately raise their hands, and then Laxus also raises his hand. He says it is a battle, so he wants to participate because he might not be chosen for today's battle round. But Cana & Mira also want to participate because they have just participated once.

"How about you, Freed?" asks Ben.

"No thanks, I don't want to wear a swimsuit in public," says Freed.

"Hmm, well, let's draw some sticks," says Ben.

Ben takes out a cup with sticks in it and he takes out 3 sticks. He holds the 3 sticks in his hand, hiding the tips that have different colors.

"The one who gets the red tip will participate," says Ben.

Laxus, Mira, & Cana take the sticks immediately after Ben finished talking. It's Laxus who gets the red tip while Mira & Cana get the blue. Laxus smirks and laughs as he enters the arena, leaving the dejected girls.

"Sigh, he shouldn't participate in this game. He will just electrocute everyone," says Mira.

"Or he will get short-circuited," says Ben jokingly.

Cana suddenly booed Laxus after hearing that, "BOO! Laxus, boo! You will get short-circuited in the water."

Laxus just smirks and sends a small lightning bolt at her bottle of alcohol. It gets destroyed and Cana screams before shouting angrily at Laxus. Everyone sweatdrops at their petty fight right before the game.

They ignore it soon though because the other participants are entering the arena too. Fairy Tail A sends Lucy, Lamia Scale sends Sherria, Blue Pegasus sends Jenny, Mermaid Heel sends Risley, Quatro Cerberus sends Rocker, while Sabertooth sends Minerva.

Laxus & Rocker are the only men in this game which isn't that surprising since they heard it's a Naval Battle. For the women, this is also another kind of battle, after all, just like Mira's battle against Jenny.

The organizer finally announces the game's rules. They will compete in a big water sphere that gets summoned to the arena. The ones who leave the sphere lose and the last one who remains is the winner. Then soon, the game finally starts.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 356 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 367 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)
