
Chapter 26: The Stirring Shadows [3]

Hearing those words, Ardyn felt himself relaxing in turn. Funny, it was as if Luke could see right through him sometimes... which, now that he thought about it, wasn't so strange since Luke was his Summoner, after all.

When Luke placed the bowl in front of him, Ardyn couldn't help but stare for a moment.

The bowl was filled with a rich, deep crimson broth and was steaming hot. There were also chunks of meat mixed in with what looked like colorful vegetables he had never seen before. Not to mention, the stew seemed to have a faint glow to it, almost like a faded illusion of flames.

It was mesmerizing to look at, and it smelled really good, too.

"Try it, I'm sure you'll like it," Luke encouraged.

So Ardyn tried a spoonful of the stew. If he were to be honest, he had raised his expectations a bit after his buffet feast at the White Castle last night, since the food there tasted amazing.

And it didn't disappoint.
