
Jiroch-Reslia (1/2)

"Commander Relka, are your troops ready?"

I said as I walked into the barracks, a platoon of infantry immediately saluted, shouting "My Lord"

I wish they wouldn't do that however Relka has demanded that his troops show those in the command structure with immense respect and as the head of the said command structure, I assume they must see me as some sort of God. Unlike my father however this will not go to my head, his pride was his undoing and it will not be mine.

Standing in front of the Platoon, I began to speak " Today is not a simple skirmish against the Imps, today we save a race facing almost certain annihilation from the Empire with the view of bringing them back here. I know this will be the first time for a lot of you to meet Aliens who do not look like Humans but I want it to be known that any sort of discrimination will be rewarded with the harshest punishments I can think of. Any race that can help the Empire move forwards will be welcomed with open arms, Am I understood?"

"Yes, my lord"

Was the shout that echoed back through the barracks at me.

"When we first arrive, I do not know where we will be teleported to, if we arrive in the middle of combat, I want you to run for cover and then unload on the Imps. If we arrive in a friendly village, you will secure the parameter and then we will advance from there. If we arrive in Imperial controlled territory, I will protect us until we have cover. What I'm trying to say here, is that I'm not going to get involved unless I absolutely have to, consider this a trial, if you pass, I will promote you all from Private rank."

The Troops shouted in agreement as I turned around, pulling as much raw energy as I could from the Force, I opened a massive gateway to the planet Jiroch-Reslia, stepping through it, I appeared right in the centre of an ongoing battle.

Instantly, I threw my arms up, ripping chunks of the ground up, using the newly created cover, my troops took a second to analyse the battle before they opened fire on the Imperials, I had already used a Clone to teleport over to the side of the Natives, walking past the front lines as two of them pulled the weapons away from the Imps, pointing them straight at me.

"If you fire those Bows, it will be the last thing you do, see people say the Jedi and the Sith are the strongest force users in the universe but that is because the Universe has forgotten the strength of the Eternal Family and the Empire of Zakuul, do not let yourselves be their reminder."

Before a need for violence was established, their leader shouted "Stand down, the Imperials have been routed."

Turning around, I saw my Platoon standing over the small group of dead Imps, taking their blasters and any other weapons they had on them. Truth be told, we don't have any weapons factories set up on Zakuul yet, we still need to steal whatever weapons we can to arm the army. I had prioritised the space program over the army as the resource we can exploit from other planets can be used to build the army anyway while we would have excess resources for other things.

There are currently plans for the factories and we are ready to start production, the only thing holding us back is the level of understanding of the people in the spire. Their primary school education isn't enough to build a wartime economy on, the only thing that will fix that is spending time in schools and learning, within the year we should have enough higher educated citizens to open the factories properly.

"Are you the leader of this world or just this tribe?"

As the leader went to speak, I sent a message to Zana asking for any information she had gathered on the species, the reply read as follows.

'The Tunroth were hairless, bipedal, sentient mammals who averaged 1.7 meters in height. The large frame supported a muscular physique, which gave the species a reputation for great strength. Tunroth had only three digits on each hand and foot: two opposable thumbs on either side of a large, central fin-like digit.

The most recognizable Tunroth feature was an elongated skull that sat forward over the sloping neck. The arrangement produced a distinctive look, along with a large vertical nostril, set above the low, wide-set eyes. Each Tunroth had pronounced teeth, and a number of bony, horn-like protrusions studded the lower jaw. Many Tunroth placed similar spikes on their clothing, such as on shoulder pads and shin guards.'

"I'm not the leader of this world, our government fractured as soon as the Empire was formed, some rebelled, others stayed passive while others became loyal to the Empire, we are the faction that remained neutral. The Empire sees no support as treason however, our planet is being attacked by fanatics from another world as well, the Empire will save only those who are loyal to them, the rest are purged by the Fanatics."


At the sound of my fingers clicking, my platoon formed up behind me, looking at the Leader I spoke. "I have an offer for you, you may join us far away from this place, we come from a world hidden from the main factions in this Galaxy, we are preparing to come back to the main stage. Your race could join us as equals, fight alongside us, and thrive with us. The choice is yours."

The leader step forwards, towering over me, his 7ft frame hanging over me as he asked. "Are you strong enough to protect my tribe? It is custom for leadership to be decided by one vs one combat, I challenge you, do you accept?"

Thanks for reading.

TheAbominationcreators' thoughts