
Chapter 11: Hostages

A/N: No chapters on the weekend lads. Please review!

November 1979

I watched with the rest of the world as students in Tehran protested outside the US Embassy and then worked themselves up into a frenzy before finally scaling the Embassy walls. This was a big event in modern history of course, and I knew it happened in 1979 but not the exact date, which meant that I had no way of knowing how my transmigration had affected things.

I watched the happenings on the small TV in my office with a cold glass of imported Molson in my hands and chuckled. I felt bad for the 40 odd Embassy staffers who would face at least a couple of years in Iranian custody, and for the 6 staff members who would eventually escape to the Canadian Ambassadors house only to be saved during the Argo caper. But to be honest the timing of this event played into my hands perfectly. Apart from the oil deal I was now Americas MVP in the region. I had gifted them a military base right next to the Iranian border. Good luck with your hostilities against me now Ayatollah!

The hostage crisis would also provide perfect cover for the US to permanently move a carrier group into the Gulf of Hormuz.

Do I plan to help out more actively in the crisis? Not particularly. I mean what could I conceivably do besides ticking off my own Shias and the Iranians.

Unexpectedly I got a call from Ambassador Dickman and Mr. Shaw the CIA man. We exchanged pleasantries and congratulated each other on the successful first step of our oil deal.

"Your Excellency, as I'm sure you've realised we called for an important reason and not simply to take up your time," said Dickman in his usual somber tone.

"Yes Ambassador, I guessed as much."

"Well, you are aware of what is happening in your neighbouring country viz a viz American citizens," he continued.

"Of course! It's an outrage. Goes against the Geneva Convention and basic norms of diplomatic decency," I replied with feeling. "My thoughts are with your illegally captured Embassy personnel."

"Thank you Your Excellency," said Dickman gravely. "Would we able to count on your help in this matter?"

I didnt reply instantly. This was a potential diplomatic quagmire. Shaw was a CIA man and would be more canny about the situation for me and Iraq but Dickman was a straight shooter whose stock had risen immeasurably because of the oil deal. I had heard that he was being considered for a Gubernatorial race for a middling state. I didnt want him to go back and tell the American state department and media that Saddam turned his back on his new friends.

"I will speak out against this diplomatic travesty in every world forum that Iraq is a party to," I replied carefully.

"That's...that's very thoughtful of you Your Excellency. But I'm afraid I was referring to rather...more direct aid."

"Mr. Dickman, let's speak candidly huh," I said changing my tone. "We are friends now at least in the geopolitical diplomacy sense of the word."

Shaw chuckled at my definition of friends. I could only image Dickmans look of confusion.

"I appreciate that Your Excellency," Dickman replied sounding genuinely grateful. "Your Excellency we would like to have the option of expanding both the physical asset that is forward base Basra as well as the option of expanding manpower and introducing artillery there. We feel that this along with the Carrier group led by USS Nimitz would adequately convey to the Iranian polity the gravity of the situation that they have created."

"Absolutely not," pat went my reply.

"But Your Excellency..."

"No Mr. Ambassador, we have an ironclad agreement about the purpose of the forward base Basra as you called it," I replied firmly.

"Your Excellency we are not talking about a permanent presence, this would be simple saber rattling," Dickman countered.

"Mr. Dickman, when you are done saber rattling and the hostages are returned one way or the other. You will leave without a second glance. And then what about Iraq? For you the Iranians are some backwards tribals in a hellhole part of the world. But for us they are our neighbours. They outnumber us almost 3 to 1 and not to mention, almost 60% of my own people would side with the Ayatollah over me. No, sir. You ask too much."

"Your Excellency. America does not abandon its friends," said Dickman sounding offended at my insinuation. I couldn't help but scoff.

"Ambassador, I think you're mistaking current America for your Golden Generation. We're much closer to the Fall of Saigon than to D-Day."

He was silent. What could he say after all. In my timeline the Americans had a much longer history of abandoning allies, including the Kurds and Afghans.

It was Shaw's turn to sally forth, "Your Excellency I take your point on the enhanced military presence, but there are also non military options that you could help us with."

"Such as?" I asked testily.

"We no longer have much of an...intelligence presence in Iran. And it's too dangerous to try and cultivate local assets. But Iraq has a long and porous border with Iran. We could cultivate assets in Iraq and then move them into Iran."

"And give the CIA effective control of my country. Make me a puppet President? You will entrench yourself I'm sure Mr. Shaw but how will I ensure that you disentrench. And please don't spin me that old yarn about taking care of America's friends."

"I don't want to insult your intelligence Your Excellency. You are right to be concerned. But I assure you that what I am suggesting has no ulterior motives. I am solely focused on ensuring American citizens aren't harmed."

"Mr. Shaw, I have no doubt about your sincerity of this matter. Unlike the last time we met, you sound serious not like everything is a joke to you," I replied with no humour.


"But what you fail to assure me," I continued, "is whether others in your organization will look at your work in Iraq ten years from now and think 'well itll be a shame to fold up this nice hold we have over this country that has strategic oil reserves.'"

They were both quiet.

"And tell me Mr. Shaw. Why should I help the CIA when it is the CIA itself that had brought this new crazy Iran upon all our heads?" I ranted.

"What do you mean sir?" asked poor old Dickman.

"Ambassador Dickman in the fifties, Iran deposed the dissolute Shah and elected an honourable nationalist by the name of Mossadegh. His only crime was trying to remove British control of Irans oil assets. And for that the CIA engineered his downfall and allowed the theocrats to gain power."

"That was another era Your Excellency," protested Shaw. "Weve learned from that...mistake."

"Oh!" I replied incredulously. "And what about the Kurds?"

"What about them?"

"Your CIA has supported them with arms and training and funds and now bloody Barzani wants to show his people that he has bigger balls than me. All I'm trying to do is spur economic growth."

Shaw replied after some time with a sneaky tone, "What if we could bring Barzani to the table?"

"No deal!" I said firmly. "I dont care about the Kurds. I'll fight them if I have to. If I help you like you want I might end up in a war with Iran and they outnumber me 3 to 1."

"We could arrange for the latest American hardware to upgrade the Iraqi armed forces," suggested Dickman. I was surprised by his pragmatism. I thought he would be offended by haggling for my help in rescuing citizens.

"Ambassador, I. Dont. Want. War. I want peace. I would love to be in a position where I can go Japan's way and dismantle my armed forces and only have a defence force."

"Then I'm at a loss Your Excellency!" Sighed Dickman. He sounded frustrated. Maybe by me or more likely by the situation.

"Will the American Congress sign a friendship treaty with me guaranteeing Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity?" I asked after a while. It was a long shot, something similar to what Japan had. It would put me firmly in the camp of what would soon become the sole superpower of the world. But it would be totally worth it. I could basically dismantle half my army.

"Err...that would be highly highly unlikely Your Excellency. I think Iraq is seen as friendlier because of the recent deal but not nearly close enough for something like that," Dickman replied.

There was silence on the phone for 5 minutes as we all pondered different things.

"Gentleman if I am to understand it, America will no doubt announce economic sanctions against Iran?"

"Oh without a doubt!" Said Shaw.

"Okay and if a somewhat friendlier nation to America were to resolve this situation diplomatically, that nation would get a lot of consideration from your Congress?"

"Yes...what are you getting at sir?" asked Dickman.

"I want to try resolving this issue without arms or threats or whatever. But if I'm successful I want America to look the other way in terms of Iraqs trade dealings with Iran."

"Your Excellency, I'm not sure what you have jn mind but we would certainly need to consult Washington before committing to anything like that," Dickman replied carefully.

"Please do Ambassador. But remember time is of the essence."
