
Chapter 2

"War is over Shalba Beelzebub. You and Creuserey are the only survivor of this battle."

"Old Satan Faction cannot win." Ajuka's voice boomed throughout the battlefield. The final battle is now over with the outcome being in their favor. And why shouldn't it be, after all both he and Sirzcehs have transcended to become what one would call a Super Devil.

Only three such cases have been observed in the history of Devils. Third, being the son of the original lucifer, Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

Both he and Sirzechs led the coup d'etat against the Old Satan government and now had come victorious. A probable outcome considering both were immensely powerful. The only devil who could compete with them was Rizevim.

'If Rizevim did not go into hiding the war would have been prolonged for much more time.' Who knows what Rizevim was thinking when he decided to just leave the helm in hands of these arrogant pricks.

Ajuka thought because in the end things were not adding up. Rizevim was known to seek chaos after all it was he who enticed the other descendants and sparked their ambitions of world domination once again.

The battlefield was filled with bodies of foe and friend alike, the land shattered, Water dried up, traces of bombardments, residual mana from explosive spells, and buried hopes...

The already gloomy environment of the underworld was now filled with the essence of death.

She must have been rejoicing for wars were nothing but just another source of enjoyment in her case.

"I REFUSE!!!" Shalba screamed at the top of his lungs. He could not accept that they failed.

They failed to prove the worth of their blood. Weren't they supposed to be superior to others?

"I am Shalba Beelzebub, the grandson of the original Beelzebub, the True Satan."He yelled because he himself cannot believe the situation. So what if they are super devils...

"The destined ruler of the underworld, I refuse to retreat!!!" Although he was showcasing an unstoppable spirit however the truth was he was just bidding time.

'Just a little more than at least I can escape...'To hell with the underworld now he only wants to survive. He can take his revenge later on.

"Gremory do not think too highly of yourself and you Ajuka... "Shalba was jealous of their power but he accepted it because it gave them hope as well.

'If they can become this much powerful then what about us the original descendants? Age matters not for we live long, long enough.' Since the transcending of Rizevim, he also started thinking that one day he too would become a super devil.

After all, he was a true Beelzebub.

"Let's finish them Ajuka I can no longer stand their voices...Creuserey is already down, still alive but down for good." Ajuka looked towards the owner of this voice.

Sirzechs has changed... not much but enough to be noticed by his best friend. After Cale fell...'He has too much of things weighing down his shoulders.'

'Welp, at least Grayfia can now openly take care of him...' he chuckled.

Sirzechs in the meantime had already prepared a red orb of energy in his hands.

He was going to do what he does best, Destruction.

Shalba who saw him prepare the orb was restless. the orb may seem simple but it was terrifying to the extreme. Power of destruction holds the ability to erase its opponents and he too would never want to experience it firsthand.


"March forward my loyal warriors..." Shalba commanded his bees to create a distraction while trying to activate the teleportation circle.

The Unconscious body of Creuserey was already with him. He just needs to escape.

"What makes you think this would work?" The crimson-haired prince stated while releasing the orb to wreak havoc freely.

The POD leaves nothing in its wake.

It spares none for it was meant to erase even the ashes.

"Prepare to withdraw, the war is over" Ajuka ordered his soldiers as the outcome of this war was now set. And as if to enforce his order the POD started erasing every being on the other side.

Anti-Satan Faction watched as the last bit of efforts of the Old faction were being erased from the face of the underworld.

Reminding them of the difference between a Devil and a Super Devil...

"Only if Lord Cale was present as well." A Gremory soldier said to the other. Not knowing how terrifying it sounded to the surrounding companions.

They imagined two crimson-haired brothers wreaking havoc.

'At least the Gremory(s) are cool-headed...'They thought as a matter of fact imagine someone like Shalba holding such immense power in his hands.

But how would he... for he was about to experience what it feels like to get erased.

The red orb of destruction now large enough to easily engulf a two-story house is just before his eyes. In a distraught manner, he created numerous amount of barriers but not one was going to save him.

'Open up the channel damn it !!!' Shalba watched as the orb engulfed him.

He screamed...

He cursed...

Sirzechs raised his hand to the front and clenched "Disappear..."

The orb started decreasing in size but not in power. The energy was being compressed with a clear intent of erasing Shalba's very existence.

"Curse you Gremory... Curse you Astaroth..."


"Curse you Underworld."


Everyone watched as the orb now reduced to nothing vanished just like that. No sound nothing. They watched as the enemy ceases to exist.

However, not a single person noticed the hidden smirk Shalba had while perishing.

Soldiers rejoiced as finally the civil war was over.

Finally, they can go home.

Finally, they can rest.

'Look Cale the war is finished... your brother did it...' Watching his friends handling the outburst of victory he sighed.

'If only we could ask for help from the Olympians but there are too many factors to look after.'

"What is the point of having this much power if I cannot even help my own family ?"

He created a communication circle and announced the victory of the faction to the council.

"What do you think about their proposal Ajuka, Serafall ?" Sirzechs asked his friends.

"Maou huh???... Ummm.. I'll think about it later ~teehee~"

**********That's all Folks**********

Next chapter will be on Cale.
