
Chapter 45: Prison

As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task. - Diogenes

Gaila lifts her chin. Her posture stiffens. Vlad's frame is looming in the opening between the kitchen and living room. His jaws clench, pulling the skin taut. My heart skips a beat.

"Did you think I would not find you?" His eyes bore down upon me. "Did you think your little stunt would keep me locked in the council room for long?"

"Locked, what do you mean locked? What did you do, Pet?"

"I left the meeting."

"To be more precise, she overrode the electronic keypad of the locked door and left the meeting prior to being dismissed by the council. Then to make matters worse, she changed the code, which imprisoned the council members in the chamber." He steps up to the table. 'We have many things to discuss.' He holds out his hand. 'Come Sarah.'
