
I See My Future With Him

“We need officers,” Jin’s bodyguard spoke up and the lady at the reception mentioned she called already. She had locked the doors and contacted the rest of the people in the building to stay in their rooms.

“Stay away from the windows,” the bodyguard stated as they backed away.

“What is going on?” Shun questioned and Jin held him.

“I’m not sure, but I have an idea,” he smiled and kissed Shun’s forehead, “I’ll keep you safe.”

Shun nodded and the sound of sirens and people yelling sounded. Things were being thrown against the hard glass of the building and Jin just held him tighter. After a long moment, they followed the bodyguards out of the building to their car. Shun saw the broken signs, the littering of soymilk cans, all emptied out onto the floor.

He frowned at that.

‘Soymilk is delicious!’
