
Jealous son (1)

After the parade, Ignis and I walk inside my chambers. Lars has just woken up, and I run to him.

«You can leave,» I order the maids while picking up the little bundle of white clothes. The weather is warm, so we stopped covering Lars too much. Just a light sheet when he's sleeping and, when he's awake, just enough to make him not complain.

«Hey, look who came back!» I exclaim, blocking the magic that has started invading my body. Not today, you little thing.

I walk to the sofa and call Ignis.

«Come here, sit with us. The magic is under control.»

«Is it?»

«Keeping Lars from hurting people helps me manage my own magic. I don't need to worry about losing control like this...»

«It's a lot of work, isn't it?»

«It's more difficult than controlling a storm, honestly. Our son is so small but already wicked. He knows when I lower my guard and strikes.»

«I see... A wicked baby we have.»
