
Decisions of the heart (1)

Days pass, and, finally, the war starts turning in our favour.

The first period was difficult, and we lost more battles than we won. However, by defending our ground and people, we have the motivation to move forward and continue fighting.

Three weeks into the war, Ignis strikes the first big win. Ventis returns behind the border, but we don't stop. We push forward, gaining ground for future negotiations.

I read about it very carefully, and I also write and receive letters from my husband. He says he's tired, but not as much as when he was forced to sign documents all day. He also is worried and misses Lars and me, but he knows his duty is to protect his country.

As for me, I continue working hard. It's exhausting, but I survive because I know it won't be forever. I will have time to rest when we have peace.
