
The Royal Family (2)

Princess Juliet is the King' older sister-in-law. She was married to his brother something like three years ago.

They were finally going to have their first child when he died. The daughter, Aestas, is nine months old. She was born on that exact day, which saved the Crown Princess from being killed. She was in another room.

Since her husband was killed, she decreased her appearances in the social circles, mourning or simply waiting for people to forget about her existence.

The same can't be said about the Queen Dowager. She didn't stop her activities. The only sign of what happened is her mourning clothes.

At the main table, the only man is Ignis. At least, today.

The atmosphere is awkward. They haven't got used to their new King, have they?

All the heads are blonde, moreover. The only one different is Ignis, with his flame locks.

Oh, me too! I have black hair.
