
Prompt reply

Before evening, I receive a reply.

I wasn't expecting someone as busy as the King to actually find the time. Oh, well, let's see what kind of death awaits me...

I walk to the window to avoid the guards overhearing my reactions like yesterday.

They apologised for the way they treated me, and I just accepted the apologies without reserves. But still, how come all of a sudden?

They seemed sincere, and it's not like they did anything unforgivable.

My meals are still weird and difficult to eat, but at least not mute. Now I have someone to converse with while chewing some good meat or sipping the soup.

«My dear Queen,» I read.

I need a deep breath to recompose myself. Three words were enough to hit my nerves.

I am not his. How dares he already call me like this? Does he really think I'll accept just because he has a title and kills everyone that opposes him?

«My heart aches at hearing your...» Wait a moment. Is he copying my style of writing?

I did overdo it, I have to admit it.

But he didn't have to make me notice so subtly that my heartfelt letter sounded childish and presumptuous.

«At hearing your sufferings,» I continue. I shall read till the end and then tear it into pieces to ease my anger. «Still, I'd like to explain a few things regarding your stay that you seem to have missed.»

He's telling me not to overstep my boundaries. What a wicked man.

«First of all, your room isn't a prison. It is unadorned, and it is not large enough for someone of your rank. Yet, I hoped you would ask by yourself for anything you might have needed. I would have never imagined that the daughter of a Duke would have thought twice before requesting something she wishes for.»

I'm not spoiled just because my father is a Duke!

«After meeting Duke Bursio, my consideration was enforced. I can't help but imagine him like a doting father. Was my impression wrong, perhaps?»

Not that wrong. But still, I don't like how the King talks about father. I don't like the tone.

«From now on, please feel free to ask for any piece of furniture or decoration you'd like to see. Also, remember that the room you currently sleep in is only temporary.»

Ah? I've never thought this was the Queen's room. He's going too far. He's underestimating my brain, this damned tyrant.

«Moreover, my dear Queen, you are not forbidden from walking out of the room. Have you ever tried?»

Not really. Every time I opened the door, the guards would stare at me with dark looks.

«You're not allowed out of the Palace; that is obvious. Yet, you can freely walk out of your room and explore that wing of the Palace without worries. There soon won't be places where your foot won't be allowed to enter. Just remember to bring a guard with you. For your own security, never be alone out of your bedroom.»

Ah, now this makes it sound like he was protecting me, this control freak. I'll test it out. I will walk out as soon as I finish reading.

«Regarding the second matter you addressed in your lovely letter, I'd like to explain the reason why things happen the way they do. The knights protecting your door are trained Royal Guards, among the most skilled swordsmen in the whole Kingdom. They are used to being ignored by the nobles they protect. Hence, they didn't know how to act when addressed. Most probably, they assumed my Queen was talking to herself.»

Is that so?

«They need a bit of time to get used to your character, so please have patience with them. I personally selected every single guard, taking into consideration their fighting skills but not their social experience.»

Ah, all these lads need to learn how to talk with people, or they won't find a girl ever in this life. They shouldn't take the King as a mentor in that matter.

«As for the maids, they report to me every day. Nothing too personal about my Queen. Just news about your health and mood. Have you ever asked them to entertain you? No, you were cold and detached. As a response, they decided to leave you some space. Both the girls are trusted by me, and even if it's starting to sound like something common, there aren't many people I would vouch for.»

Well, if they aren't many, then they're all here!

«And lastly, about the meals. The reason why the guards stay inside is to react in case anything happens to you. The food is checked many times before getting in your room, but one is never too careful. This place is still full of vicious snakes, even though I'm working hard on getting rid of them before finally meeting my Queen.»

Oh, well... I don't know if it's just an excuse, nor if the snakes have a motive to harm me. Yet, I feel a bit guilty for cursing the King.

It must be the purpose of this long letter. To make me repent.

There are a few final sentences. Should I read them? It may be better not to know.

«Lastly, the final concern of yours will be solved when we finally meet. I'll show you that I know how to treat a Queen. You won't have any reason to complain, then. It's a promise.»

Since I had the bright idea to read this in front of the window, my face is reflected on the glass. I can spot my cheeks blushing. My lips are red from biting, and my eyes flee on the side because I can't sustain my own gaze.

It's embarrassing. Yet, I'm not sure what part of this letter makes me feel like this. It's just a list of explanations.

The King's calligraphy is elegant, even though the letters are quite small and close to each other. It's slightly bent towards the left.

Also, the Gs are weird. The tail is all rolled before the trait returns up and meets the following letter.

There weren't many Gs overall, so I could read without much stress. I got used to them pretty quickly.

«Sincerely, and in hope to gain your trust, yours, Aurelius.»

There's even a post scriptum.

«P.S.: You can use some of your graceful time to find a way to address me. I don't particularly like my name. You can think of a nickname during the days we spend apart.»

Why would I want to do that? I'll call him King if he hates his name.

Ah, right. I won't need to call him in any way. I'm leaving this place soon.

As soon as Ignis comes back.

I can walk around freely, so I can start exploring the place and looking for paths that bring me out. I will tell Ignis about it when I have an idea or spot something useful. He will then look for a way to exploit every inch of this place to get us out.

I sit on the bed, getting away from that revealing glass. I don't like my own face right now.

However, this day feels less boring than yesterday. Even though I haven't changed my mind about marrying the King, I feel as if he isn't as tyrannic as I've initially assumed.

The guards and maids were just being professional, so I misunderstood them as cold and distanced. The meals are actually dangerous, and no one ever stopped me from doing anything from the start.

It was my fault, indeed. I didn't even try doing anything. I just sat there and complained. Sometimes out loud and sometimes within my heart.

I ought to be a bit warmer to all these people. I'd like more if they remember me like a normal person instead of an untreatable brat.

This novel is enrolled in the WPC #209. Let's climb the ranking together: VOTE for the Reclutant Queen! :D

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