
Chapter Henri Argent and Marie-Jeanne Valet

Henri was the first to set out and he was all set up with weapons and potions.

When he reached the place the most of them knew he was one of hunters sent by the King to hunt down Beast of Gévaudan.

But Henri made slight mistake and had activated his glamor rune and walked through town to investigate In the town he spotted Marie-Jeanne Valet,who was a person with natural born ability of The Sight,it is the ability to see past glamour to a thing's true nature.

Normally mundanes who possess the Sight,are either born with it, and others may acquire it at a later point in their lives, usually after exposure to elements of the Shadow World.

Marie was able to spot something amiss with how no one noticed him,but she was in rush to get to her house.

Henri was now in the church getting ready for investigating the forest,he was mostly a bow user and used rune inscribed arrows.He was now activating the runes in his arrows,first he take our his steele and waves it over the arrows as runes on the arrows light up.

These runes are created by Alexander and let's just say are good for taking down werewolves,whose regeneration capabilities are hindered.

Henri soon started investigating the forest,let's just say he found the werewolf it nine-feet-tall, thickly-muscled and oil-black Beast.It's eyes would completely glowing bright blue. 

Henri in shock muttered"What the hell is that?"

It was unlike anything he has heard about Henri leapt into action,since he was able to spot a boy in his grip.

Henri in lighting flash Henri nocks an arrow and fire's it and another.The arrows hits right in the werewolf rib and back causing it to scream in pain and drop the boy.

The werewolf ran away to not get shot again,Henri quickly rushed and checked the child,who was injured pretty seriously.But he healed it enough so the boy won't bleed to death and patched it up with some normal everyday herbs to cover it up and carried the boy to the nearby tavern.

While in that particular Tavern a argument or discussion about Beast of Gévaudan was on going.One of them was ,Monsieur Tolbert, the magistrate of Gévaudan and the other was Bernard,who actually believed the beast was more than an animal.

Tolbert rolls his eyes, and Marie-Jeanne, who is peeling an apple with a knife at the bar, curiously listens to them argue.As Talbert nods and replied "I am well aware. I'm also aware that every new report conflicts with the last! Some say it is part-hyena, part-wolf. It has red fur, black fur, cloven hooves, a stripe down its back!"

Bernard sighed and said"We know it kills at night. It targets the head and neck. This we know for sure."

One of the man in the Tavern pointed out"It won't stop. Where the wolf finds a lamb, there he seeks another."

Bernard agreeing adds"But, it never eats its victims. It kills for sport."

Tolbert scoffs hearing this and replied"No animal kills for sport!"

A man with Bernard spoke up"This is no animal."

Tolbert ignored that comment and said"Tell that to the King. I have heard he ll sending a contingent of his own professional hunters.For now only one of them has arrived.Until then, we can use volunteers for a hunting party. Especially someone to lead it."

Just then, an exhausted-looking Sebastien Valet,brother of Marie-Jeanne Valet and his companion Marcel appear in the doorway of the tavern, having overheard the end of their conversation.

Sebastien was tall, lean man with olive skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes.His hair was long enough to pull back with a ribbon as was the style of the era.

Sebastien yells"Why ask for a volunteer? We all know who the best hunter is in Gévaudan-- Marie-Jeanne Valet. My sister."

Marie-Jeanne, who has heard Sebastien's voice from the bar, smiles as she stands to her feet and turns to face him with tears of joy in her eyes. She wastes no time rushing over to hug him with smile muttering"Sebastien!"

After a long moment, she lets go of him and turns to Marcel adding"Marcel! You are home!"

Marie laughs as she pulls Marcel into a hug as well, and Bernard approaches them as they break away, holding out his hand to shake Marcel's and with smile said"Good to have you back, Marcel."

Bernard then hands Marcel a set of keys and added"Don't worry, my friend. You still have a job."

Monsieur Tolbert stands and walks over to the welcome party, looking keenly at Marie-Jeanne and said"I'm not going to argue with your brother, Marie-Jeanne. What do you say?"

Suddenly, everyone in the tavern begins to chant her name in encouragement.The crowd laughs, and after a moment, Sebastien looks over at Marie-Jeanne with a smile and asked"Well? Will you heed their call?"

Marie-Jeanne scowled and replied"I hunt animals, not rumors!"

The tavern bursts into laughter once again, which is only stopped by Henri, another French man who has come in with the injured body of a young boy in his arms and a devastated expression on his face. The tavern goes quiet, and gasps of shock are heard as they gather around him, clearing off a table so they can lay the boy down-- all except for Marie-Jeanne, whose face has gone pale as she stares at the scene in horror. Bernard is the most affected by this as he slowly walks toward the table yelling"Emile? Emile??"

Bernard kneels on the floor and wraps his arms around the body of his bloodied son,while Henri calmed him down saying"He is going to be okay I patched up his wounds.It is not serious."

Marie-Jeanne looks as though she's about to cry as well as the man breaks down in sobs and in slight relief muttered"Mon dieu! My son. Emile!"

Henri seeing eyes are on him spoke up"I found him in the woods. He whispered his last words to me before falling unconscious."

Tolbert with a concerned tone asked"What were they?"

Henri takes a deep breath before he replies"La Bête.The Beast."

The patrons are all stunned by this revelation, and after a moment, Marie-Jeanne gets a determined yet mournful expression on her face and turns to Tolbert and said"Monsieur Tolbert? I do not know what creature did this... But the hunting party leaves at dawn."

Henri now saw the women who spoke and he was slightly enchanted by her beauty.She with pale white and lightly freckled skin, dark brown curly hair, full rosy lips, and warm brown eyes. She was of medium stature and had a lean, athletic build. She was shown to prefer wearing simple, casual blue gowns with brown leather boots and a dark, navy-blue hooded cloak.
