
515. Brotherly Alliance

Spade Pirates quickly form an alliance with Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates to challenge Legend Pirates. They meet and hold a party for a whole night before finally talking about their plan. Law is quite stressed by the 2 brothers who have rather similar personalities.

Luckily Ace still has some senses, unlike Luffy who does everything as he pleases. So at least Law doesn't need to worry about Ace not following the plan. Although there really isn't any plan except for who will face whom in this war.

"What do you think our winning chance will be, Magma Fist?"

"Honestly, I think it will be really low."

"Why do you think so?"

"I have fought one of them, Yamato many times and our powers are equal. Jack is as strong as Yamato, and Elen should be a bit weaker, but I'm not sure either because she rarely fought seriously and often stood at the back to give commands to their men. As for Alan, that guy is a beast. I challenged him once last year and he defeated me with a single punch to my stomach. That punch made me faint instantly. Honestly, I think he has better battle skills than Pops even though his power is lower."

"Do we need to fight him together?"

"Probably the only way. Also, I'm not even sure any of you can actually fight their main members one-on-one. Don't be mistaken, I'm not underestimating you. It's just that I heard you guys lost to 6-Stars Pirates."

"What that has to do with this?"

"Legend Pirates and 6-Star Pirates are parts of the same group, Clown Pirates' Fleet."

"What?! 6-Star Pirates too? I only know that Legend Pirates are in it, but not 6-Star Pirates."

"They are new members, or maybe were hidden previously. But that's not the main point here. I heard that Legend Pirates and 6-Star Pirates sparred a few times. The result? Legend Pirates only need 2 people to defeat the whole 6-Star Pirates."

Straw Hat & Heart Pirates are surprised by this because the people who defeated them are nothing compared to the ones they want to defeat now. Now they understand why Ace said their chance of winning is very low.

"So, you must have a plan since you still chose to ally with us despite knowing all of those. What's your plan, Magma Fist?"

"Hehe, you understand quickly, Trafalgar. My plan is simple. We will increase our chances first by getting stronger before we attack them. Else, we won't have any chance. Also, we can increase our number while training. Legend Pirates are under Clown Pirates, so they have many people. We will need more people to join us."

"Hmm, I agree with that. We can think of who we'll recruit, but what about the training?"

"Hehe, I already have a plan for that. Pops have lots of friends and I plan to ask one of them to teach us. He is as strong as an Emperor and very neutral. Also, he is a leader of a country. There are many strong people there, so we could try to recruit those people."

"Who is he?"

"Kozuki Oden, the Shogun of Wano Country, the Land of Samurai."

While their alliance is making a plan, the Legend Pirates are busy facing challengers. There are many pirate crews who think that they have better chances of defeating Legend Pirates now. These idiots think that Legend Pirates are easier to defeat than Whitebeard Pirates.

Well, it could be the case because Whitebeard's devil fruit ability is much more dangerous and they don't know how to counter that power. Alan's acid devil fruit surely looks much weaker than Whitebeard's devil fruit, that's why many pirates are more confident they can defeat Alan even though they can't defeat Whitebeard.

But they are without a doubt too full of themselves by thinking like that. Each one of them gets defeated before they can even touch Alan's hair. The 6-Stars Pirates are now merging with Legend Pirates because they need to be stronger now as an Emperor crew.

Legend Pirates now have their own fleet. All younger generations of Clown Pirates' Fleet are moved to Legend Pirates' Fleet. But they are still under Clown Pirates' management, so it's like a branch fleet full of youngsters.

They do this to make Alan a proper Emperor of The Sea instead of just a Captain under Clown Pirates. In the future, both fleets will separate completely and might become enemies. But Buggy wants them to grow and the best way to make them grow is by letting them go.

Even he won't stay being a pirate forever and will retire when he is old enough. These kids will be the ones to continue Clown Pirates' legacies after they retire. It's just like how he and Shanks continue the legacies of Roger Pirates.

Sure, he has a son, but Leo is someone who will inherit his personal legacy, not the crew. Legend Pirates on the other hand are Clown Pirates' apprentices. They were raised by Clown Pirates and learned things from Clown Pirates, so they are like the younger Clowns.

Meanwhile, Leo is like the younger Buggy. Full of freedom and wants to do anything as he pleases, unrestrained by anything even his own father. But that's what makes things interesting for Buggy because it feels like he becomes the center of big things that will happen from now on.

"Oh? Ace brings those kids to Wano? Interesting."

The news of Straw Hat alliance's movement to Wano has reached Buggy already.

"Yes, their ships have just arrived at Wano Country's port."

"Heh, it's clear why they are there because Ace is also with them. They want to strengthen their power. Ace knows well that they aren't strong enough to face Legend Pirates, so they need to get stronger."

"So they go to Wano? Is it to upgrade their weapons?"

"Well, I assume that is one of the reasons. But I think the most important reason is training. Ace & Spade Pirates are the only ones who know about advanced haki in their alliance. Unless the main power of Straw Hat & Heart Pirates can use advanced haki, then they won't have a chance of winning against Legend Pirates."

"Not only that. They also need to hone their skills and Wano is the perfect place. As a division commander of Whitebeard Pirates, Ace must've known many people in Wano and had a good relationship with them, especially the Kozuki family. He can request them to teach some battle skills or request some sparring."

"Will Oden agree as you said though, Cricket? Even Ace should know that Wano is affiliated with us, not Whitebeard Pirates even though Oden & Whitebeard are like brothers."

"Palu, how long have you known Oden for? That guy will do anything if it's interesting. Even if he refuses them at first, it's only an excuse for him to give them some challenge for his entertainment."


"Yeah. He'll probably make them do some things he calls tests and will only teach them if they pass. That guy has done this before when we asked him to train our spy unit to be ninjas."

"Ah, I remember now. Well, this should be interesting then."

Just as the Clowns thought, the rookie alliance really goes to Oden and asks to be trained advanced haki. Then as they thought too, Oden gives them tests. He says he can't just teach anyone even if it's Whitebeard's request, not to mention Ace.

"Hmm? Wait, that sword. Green-haired youngster, can you show me that sword."

Oden points at Shusui and Zoro shows it even though he is confused.

"!? As I thought, it's Shusui!"

All the samurais there are surprised and they suddenly draw their swords before pointing them at Zoro. The samurais look at Zoro angrily and the pirates are getting ready to fight too even though they don't know what is happening. They just can't let themselves get attacked and do nothing.



"I won't repeat myself."

Oden says it with a low voice, but it shakes the entire room. His voice is imbued with just a bit of his Conqueror Haki, but it's powerful enough to make everyone's body shake.

"I apologize for that, young pirates. They were a bit too excited because we've finally found our long-lost treasure. That sword, Shusui, was our national treasure that was stolen from us 20 years ago and we couldn't find it till this day."

"Do you suspect me to be the one who stole it?"

"No, you are too young to be the thief, so it's impossible."

"Oden-sama, it could be his family who did it."

"Probably, but that is still an assumption. We still need to ask. So, young man, can you tell us how you got that sword?"

"Well, I don't really mind. But I don't know if you will even believe me by the way these guys look at me now."

"Rest assured, I won't let them say anything until you finish. Also, I have a way to verify the truth later, and no one will harm you before I find out the truth. Anyone who dares to disobey will be punished personally by me."

Zoro looks at Oden who seems very serious now and nods. Then, he tells them how he got Shusui.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded Chapter 553. Straw Hats' Attack

- Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)
