
Chapter 7

The two kids walking to their new school, in 2nd grade.

"Taehyung, are you nervous?" Bambam (I started calling him that last year) asked.

"Not at all, what about you Bambam?" I said.

He replied with a sigh, "yes, what if there will be a lockdown again? Or what if there will be a accident?!"

This kid… Because of the trauma that the school lockdown had did he became more alert on school days.

"It's okay, it rarely happens in school. You know it's just that we were unlucky ones to have a lockdown in our school but we survived didn't we? I'll still protect you" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"W-Who needs your help" Bambam stuttered. Face flushing red with embarrassment.

Yeah it's been a few years, now we're quite close after the incident.

I was able to skip first grade since the principal said it wasn't necessary for me to go to 1st grade, not complaining or anything but now I'm the youngest out of the class from now on.




"Aye we're here!" I said looking at the tall building that is as big as a middle school. Some kids were running in and out while some others were crying not to go.

"Yeah, I remember when I was in first grade. Cried that I don't wanna go all day long" there he goes again.

"Pease to meet you New Students! My name is Mrs Kellies and I'm your new home room teacher" The teacher said after we went to our seats. It only took us 1 minute to find our class since there is only so much second graders.

After lunch We basically only learning how the add and subtract and stuff like that, I really don't need to learn that.

We were given homework and it seemed to me that Bambam was having trouble subtracting, but after a few minutes of struggle he seemed to get answers faster. Hey we're talking about a genius here, if I were not to have my past memories as a adult I would probably Flunk. Not really joking.

"Hey Taehyung, are you done with your worksheet?" Bambam asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Can I look at your answers pleaseeee?" He said innocently

"No, you do your own. It's not like it's hard Idiot" I laughed.

"Denied! I don't wanna, my brain hurts!" He pouted

"Then copy from others, yah just don't get caught you know? But that is cheating, what IF you get caught? How will you explain this to your parents?" I said

"I just say the truth, Kim Taehyung told me to copy off of others" he said crossed armed.





ANOTHER TIME SKIP: 5 Years later

"YARRRRR!!" The kids running around on recess.

"HEY I TOLD YOU I'M NOT IT!" Bambam screamed as he chased the other kids.

Yeah, their playing tag. I mean really, who doesn't?



"HEY I THOUGHT WE DON'T DO TAG BACKS!" Bambam complained.

"Nuh uh!" The other kid said.

"TAEHYUNG! Didn't you hear that we don't do tag backs?" Suddenly Bambam Turned towards me.

'Bruh why you gatta make it my business.'

"Yeah you guys did" I sighed

"Oh we did? Then let's cancel that rule" they said in unison.

Kids these days..

"WHAT THE?! Your not suppose to do that cheaters!" Bambam yelled.

"There never was a rule that we can't change it!" The girl who was also playing stuck out her tongue.

Bambam Curled his hand into a fist.

"Hey we're already in 5th grade no need to be a cheater." Bambam said looking at them in anger.

"Calm down it's just a game" one of the kid shrugged.

"Just a game you say?" He said slowly spooking the kid who just said that.

And then he tackled him.

"HEY CALM DOWN BAMBAM!" I ran other to try and get him off of the kid.

"Ahh! You muscle head!" The kid screamed.

Third Person POV:

"HAIZZZZZ*" Bambam and his Mother was in the principals office.

The mother sighed after she heard he got into a fight again.

"Seriously what am I going to do with this kid?" She thought to herself.

"We apologize Principal, Kunpimook apologize to the kid you tackled to!" She pointed at the two figures sitting besides them.

"HUMPH! No, he deserved it anyways" Thus from his stubbornness.




"LOOK WHAT YOUR SON DID TO MY CHILD! He gave him a bruise! And your child still won't apologize?!" The mother pointed at the child's knee which could barely tell that it was a scratch…

"A, ah we apologize to Mrs Kapelle." Bambam's mother apologized with her son.

"HMPH!" The lady was clearly refusing to accept the apology unless they give her something in return.

"Wow what a karen" Bambam Commented.

"…?" Bambam's mother just looked at him.

"…!" The 'Karen' noticed what he just said.

"PFF-" the principal snorted, holding back his laughter.


Puts Ending Music* 👌❤️


Time skips ahead again, ya know it’s boring without any progress ;-;

ShizunNOVELScreators' thoughts