
Chapter 8: Aeternum

One year quietly passed. Under the guidance of the old man, Z's strength grew rapidly. He is now about to transition to light orange.

"Come follow me, I will bring you to a sweet spot."

"What is a sweet spot, sir?"

"A sweet spot is just a layman's term. It refers to a place or spot where the world's energy is densest."

"Wow! Thank you, sir."

"Remember that everytime you transition, it is important to prepare enormous amounts of beast cores, crystals and other manifestations of world energy. Lack of this can cause you to fail in condensing the barrier of the next stage, hence causing all the concentrated world energy to explode and scatter all throughout your body."

"Yes, sir!"

After traversing through the forest, they arrived at the spot. Upon looking around, one could see that the trees here are lucious. They have green leaves and brown trunks, contrary to the black ones that surround the area. Furthermore, a bountiful amount of fruits can be seen all around.

"If you ever want to find a sweet spot or an area with a dense amount of world energy, you must first find a spot with a scarce amount of it. World energy around us is like water in the sea, it constantly fills up spots that are empty of it. That is why areas around places with little to no world energy are sweet spots."

"So, water in the sea also fills up empty spots?"

"Oh yeah, you have not seen the sea yet. That is how that works."

"Okay, Thank you, sir. I will keep that in mind"

"Good! Now sit there and prepare to breakthrough"

Z, obeyed the old man as he sat down and gathered the world's energy. Laid around him are numerous fruits he prepared prematurely. These fruits are called World Fruits since they contain enormous amounts of world energy and are a type of world energy manifestation.

He concentrates even further as he fills up his core. One can notice that 98% of his core is filled with a dense substance in the shade of deep red. As he absorbs the world energy around him, countless strands gather to his core. His core would be filled up to 100 percent 98% deep red and 2% light red. It would then revert back to 98% as he compresses the light red substance to a deeper shade.

Time gradually passed. Z, constantly repeated the process until it reached 100 percent. "Breakthrough!" Z shouted. Then he stuff the fruits around him to his mouth. His core exploded easily as the dense amount of world energy tore through his core. "Gather!" He shouted once more. The enormous amount of world energy sourced from the eaten fruits gathered to his core. He formed a larger barrier outside as he simultaneously suppress the raging world energy that broke through the

previous core. After a while, the barrier was finished. He then compressed the deep red energy even further. Since his core is now larger and stronger, it allows him to hold a more compressed version of the world energy. He spent nearly 2 hours as he compress all the deep red energy to light orange ones. "I am done, HAHA! I succeeded!" Joy spreads all over his face as he couldn't contain his excitement towards his first successful breakthrough. The previously 100% deep red is now only 10% light orange.
