
Prologue III

"Man, I wonder. what happened to my father? what did u do to him when my mother died? did she take him with her or what? pffft.....HAHAHAHAHAHA" 

"Why are you doing this?" My father asked with a shaky voice.

Looking at him with the largest grin as my eyes glow from dark brown to violet, I let the biggest laugh of my life out at that moment while getting on the floor and clutching onto my abdomen struggling to breathe. 

They all looked at me with terrified eyes thinking that I had finally gone insane. I had tied them all up to chairs so all they could do was sit and wait for their fates to be sealed. In a way, their lives were in the palms of my hand as I was easily capable of snuffing their lives out with the pull of a trigger. 

After a few more minutes of laughter, I finally got up, still chuckling, and told my father the reason why this whole thing was happening in the most amused voice. 

"you know why this is happening my dearest father? Right after my mother died unfairly from a disease that was incurable you quickly took the chance to snatch yourself a new woman. And you see, I don't mind the fact that you have gotten remarried. I'm doing this to pay you back for abandoning me, for neglecting and abusing me... no, for all of you abusing me." I sneered before the point at all of them in a childish accusing way. 

"Remember every time you abused me at home and in school?" I said while walking towards Dalia who was looking at me with a petrified expression. "Do you remember every single time you told your crappy little boyfriend to "have fun" with me and "make sure I get home safe"? I whispered while getting uncomfortably close to her face before bursting into laughter. 

"Oh yeah..." My laughter halted and my eyes drifted towards Dalia's figure.

"I heard you have children. I wonder..." A sadistic smile appeared on my face while the three quickly pales.

To all three of their surprise, I pointed my gun towards where I guessed her ovaries were before shooting it with my silenced gun. She immediately starts screaming in agonizing pain as her eyes start to gain hydration and a small puddle of blood forms under her. Over my sister's screaming, I said "Then I'll take it from you, just like you took away everything in my life". 

I was smiling ear to ear with amusement written on my face as I said "You seem to be pregnant as well... Seemed like I missed a few. Oh well." I shrugged

immediately everyone turned pale again as Dalia starts begging to spare the child. My mother also starts begging while my father began to look at me with shock and fear. Not in a million years could he have expected this.

"don't worry my dear Dal, I won't let you die alone. I'll let you die right next to your parents if it makes you feel any better" with a chuckle looking at her with my eyes emanating a purple-black glow. 

I continued to torture them for hours, going as far as to leave my stepmother on the verge of death while the other two balled their eyes own. I could see them slowly regret every decision they had ever made, but it was simply too late for that now.

As I got in front of Dalia I said "sorry my Dear Dal, I didn't mean to hurt you so much, I honestly didn't know till a second ago. But it's okay, I'm sure you will forgive me hahaha... Anyways I'll be ending your suffering, cuz' you know, I don't want you to have to go through the extreme pains of childbirth so ill get rid of the pesky child myself." with a sigh of disgust. 

I pulled out my silver pistol right before aiming at Dalia's bloated belly. 

"NOOOOOOOOOO, PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING" She screams with pain and agony carved onto every inch of her skin. 

"My dear Dal, this is for your own good... oh my god, I don't think I can look, this is for your own good, you will understand when you are older,"I retorted with fake sobbing noises to implicate how it hurts me more than it hurt her. 

"C-come on my d-dearest b-b-brother," she says with a pain-filled voice "i'll do anything, I'll- AHHHHHHHHH" she pleaded just to get shot in the shoulder. 

"disgusting," I said with a monotone emotionless voice.

"Alright, I'm bored..." Sighing, I pointed the gun towards her chest before pushing down on the trigger. 

BAM... BAM... BAM 

The first shot was aimed at her bloated belly, the second at her right lung, and the third at the head. Each bang was followed up by a low shriek that became progressively lower until the last shot where the shriek was no more. 

The parents on the side were balling their eyes out at the loss of their child and future grandson.

"whelp, I lost most of my enthusiasm..." 

the constant desperate pain-filled swearing of my stepmother and the muffled sobs of my father were completely tuned out the moment I put my PairPods on and started to listen to classical soothing music. 

'Ahhhhhh, how peaceful' I thought 

At the same time, I was pouring both my parents and the whole house except my escape route with gasoline and a smile painted on my face. Thankfully, due to how big the house in the area was, no one heard screams and even if they did, no one came to check up on what was happening. 

When the house's 3 floors were drenched in gasoline, I finally went to one of the living rooms and to the kitchen while opening the gas oven filling the kitchen with the smell of pure gas. I quickly went to the room my parents were in to give my final goodbyes. 

"Well, will you look at this, quite romantic isn't it?" I said with a smile ear to ear and eyes glowing in the semi-dark room. "you even get to spend your last moments with the love of your life, in a burning house. What an ending" 

"I must say, quite the experience, you should try it some time," I said while removing my father's gag. 

"F*ck you, I've never loved you and neither did I love your mother. I cheated on her with every week and that stupid b*tch didn't realize even after 9 years of being married. Can you believe it? I REGRET EVER BRINGING YOU TO THIS WORLD, LOOK AT WHAT IT GOT ME INTO. MY ONLY DAUGHTER IS NOW DEAD AND IT BECAUSE OF YOU! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND LOVE." roared my father losing hope, yet ironically hoping that I would just shoot me if I were annoying enough 

I put my hands on my knees while looking my father straight in the eyes before saying "well, that won't be possible cuz' first, u already took everything from me, and second... dead men tell no tales..." I smiled as my eyes flare a shade of violet and my amused grin grows even wider. 

"I hope you burn in hell, my dearest yet pathetic father," I muttered under my breath while throwing a lit match in the corridor.

As I stepped out of the house, a weird empty feeling entered my heart. It was a feeling of relief and accomplishment. That said, it was completely swallowed by the feeling of emptiness, not having any goals or dreams left in me. The willingness to live had completely disappeared as I slowly walked toward my car in a lifeless posture. 

When I get into the car, I hold up my blood-stained gloves with my right one holding a silver gun which I had taped using the tape I had found at the backseat of my car, yet I don't remember buying it. 

Sitting in a car in the middle of the night, I took a deep breath and looked at the starry night sky through the windshield window with a longing and lost gaze shimmering. A gun was taped to my hand, and without an ounce of hesitation, I pointed it towards my temple and put my index finger on the trigger. 

Looking into the mirror, I could see my face, which was full of acne scars. My black hair looked extremely unkempt, with scruffy hair and unequal sides. I had a lean body that was slightly defined due to my regular workouts, yet despite that, my body was thin enough to be called unhealthy, looking almost like a malnourished athlete beyond their prime. 

Even though I was in my early 30s, the dark bags under my eyes made it seem like I was in my 50s, while the well-defined wrinkles on my forehead from constant frowning only further verified the theory I was beyond my 30s, even if I wasn't. 

I was covered from head to toe with black clothing. Behind me was a 3-story house, big enough to inhabit 3 families within it and still have room for guests. Its windows were smashed in, and flames burst out, slowly but surely destroying everything in its path. 

The people outside could be seen running out of their houses in a panic. While most of them were covering their agape mouths with their hands, others were hurriedly taking out their phones while quickly mashing three numbers and putting their mobile devices next to their ears. 

At the same time, there were those who used their phones to record the situation, yet in the end, I cared for none of them.

"wait.... I can't die like this. I gotta' make my death a cool death, not a cowardly one!" 

I quickly got out of my car and ran towards the burning house with a gun to my head. When the people heard the footsteps they looked around to see a man wearing all black running towards them at full speed. As I passed them I walked In front of the burning house and looked back at the crowd. The police department and the fire department forces were showing up non-stop and some were already going towards the engulfed house of my parents. 


I started to maniacally laugh at the faces people made, the police were aiming their guns at me, telling me to put my gun down while the people around either had a face of fear, shock, or both. 

"AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE ALREADY ACHIEVED EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED IN LIFE, AND JUST CUZ' I FEEL LIKE IT, IMA END MY LIFE TOO! I do pray that i get s better family though, at least ones that won't force me to sleep in the basement , hahaha-" BANG 

Everyone stared at my smiling face with shock. Half of them were holding their agape mouths while the other half was vomiting... 

The moment I pulled the trigger, a sense of relief washed over my body as I fell limo to the floor. a few moments later, everything went black yet, ironically it was the best feeling I had ever felt. A feeling that all my worries were being washed away slowly, like sand on a beach. 

At that moment, as I looked deep into the abyss of relief, a vigorous flame waved at me with a flicker of light. The flame was purple and emitted a deep violet glow with an aura so black that it out the abyss around it to the same. 

As I looked deep within it, it started back with a swallowing gaze. The gaze alone felt like looking into a black hole. The violet flame flickered with intensity, to the point it erupted and swallowed both my soul and the abyss in the blink of an eye. 

Before I was even able to comprehend what happened, I found myself opening my eyes once again, but this time, I was no longer me... 


