
Basil Pacifer (End)

Wei Xiu Li, a citizen of Hua, a failure in Daoism, a prodigy in Magic, looked at his hands. They had never been tainted in blood, nor had they forcefully drawn someone's blood. However, today, was the day they were colored in red. Although it was figuratively, he could almost see the blood covering his hands.

He kept looking at his hands intently as if he could clear the guilt if he did so. He knew, and he was aware it was useless. Therefore, in the next moment, he covered his face with his hand before sighing helplessly.

"I tried so much to save his life though..."

Contrary to anyone's belief, Xiu Li wasn't as naive as he showed. He knew how the world worked. He knew how harsh the reality was. He knew it was normal to kill. However, even knowing so, it didn't mean he had to do just like what others did.
