
Chapter 55

Back in his room, Penli changed out of his morning suit and into suitable lounging clothes.

He was just settling in with some paperwork he'd been neglecting when a familiar pounding came at his door. Though it had been years since his door had been hammered in such a way, he'd endured too many bruises, sprains, and even broken bones to ever forget it.

Sighing, he put his papers in his desk and locked it, and then strode across the room to the door. Pulling it open only slightly, using his foot to brace it so it could not easily be pushed open more, he quirked a brow at Tishasanti. "You aren't supposed to be speaking with me right now; it's against the rules."

"I want to know what game you're playing at, Penlington," Tishasanti hissed. "I don't care what you say, we both know you haven't been Teia's lover all this time. He's far too meek to bed a flower like you."

Penli didn't laugh in his face, but only just barely. "Go away. You may think rules are for breaking—"
