
56. Fun and games.

"Cmon just a small loan of 1 million demon spirit coins." Nie Li begged following me from the school.

"What? Hell no, I worked hard for my money get your own you little leech." I deny the little shit.

"C'mon arent you supposed to be here to help me out?" Nie li asks.

"No, I'm not, I'm just here to do whatever I want. I couldn't give a shit about what you do you can go die in a ditch, that one right there, get." I shoo him off before making my way towards the market to buy up some more plants, I had a couple of plans in mind that required money, but over the years I had mostly been spending the cash I had on resources found around the city, like demon spirits.

Combining the nightmare demon pot into the myriad pearl had not only increased the success rate to almost 100% but I could also turn the demon spirits into energy for cultivation medicine.

"Cmon please! I'll pay you back!" Nie Li begs "I just want to make sure that glory city is safe and I can protect my family and friends from What happened last time."

Certainly having all your loved ones slaughtered and betrayed was something that would weigh heavily on ones soul.

"I'll tell you what, since I personally don't want to have to deal with that whanker emperor, I'll help you out by giving you a job. You'll have to wait a day or two though." I pull out a spatial ring from a portal and load in 100,000 demon spirit coins.

"Here is 100,000 demon spirit coins and a spatial ring. I'll give it to you for 1 year of work." I tell the teen.

Nie Li looks at the ring for a second hesitating.

"You'll also have access to the nightmare demon pot and higher quality materials than what the city provides, along with optimized books from the Temporal Demon Spirit Book." I coax.

"Deal!" He quickly grabs the ring

"Great I'll let you know when you start working. Don't be giving out or using any cultivation techniques until you read what I have on hand. They are way better than what you've got." I state before vanishing into my internal world to get to work on a little something I had planned.

The next day I arrive to class Xiao Ning'er spots me and quickly walks over. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" She asks with a gentle smile.

"Of course not, having a beauty to sit with is always welcome." I answer as her cheeks turn a faint pink.

I spot Nie Li who waves frantically at me with a big grin.

"Do you know him?" Ning'er asks.

"I do, I hired him yesterday, he is going to be working for me in a store I'm about to open. I'll be selling rare and valuable items, information, food, cultivation resources, etc." I explain I had quite a few plans on hand.

Her eyes light up. "Do you need more help? I could assist you." Ning'er just wanted to get close to this mysterious boy who not only helped her with her sickness but also casually gave away a cultivation method that made her previous one look like utter garbage. She cultivated it for an hour and had better results than an entire months worth of training.

Plus not only had he saved her life as if she kept cultivating her body would have been destroyed internally destroying any future she had to get stronger and escape the arranged marriage her clan had sold her to, now she was certain to be able to escape her fate.

"Of course, I can offer you powerful elixirs and cultivation time in specialized arrays that increase efficiency in meditation. Among many more benefits." I offer.

"You don't need to do that, I'm already thankful for what you've done for me." She says shyly.

"Don't worry about it." I say as class starts there was of course mumbling about one of the two goddesses of the class sitting happily with a boy.

Even more talking happened when she produced a lunch box for him she had personally made this morning.

"Mm this is good." I tell her happily enjoying raw stir fried pork and rice.

Ning'er smiles happily. "Thank you I made it myself."

"Well good job, your a great cook." I compliment before taking another bite.

I notice a couple more sets of eyes just glaring at me, one from a boy from the sacred family and the other from a familiar purple haired girl, Ye Ziyun the crush of Nie Li.

"The fuck are you staring at bitch boy, look the other way before I break your fucking knees." I tell the boy as the whole class goes silent.

"You! Do you know who I am?" He suddenly regains his wits and shouts standing up.

"A dead man if you don't close your fucking mouth and stop starting at me. Now sit down!" I point my finger towards the ground and a crushing force hits the boy as his knees smash into the ground and he cries out in pain.

He struggles to stand up only to get smashed further into the ground. "Listen here you little shit, I don't give a fuck who you are, or who your family is. Bring your patriarch here and he would still be kneeling on the ground in front of me like a fucking dog. Next time I see you so much as look in my direction you'll regret it."

I turn towards Nie Li who looks absolutely gleeful and Ning'er who looks like a little shocked but happy.

"Come on it's time to open up shop." I tell the two before heading for the class room door.

Outside we head for the city gates.

"That was so cool, what rank are you at?" Nie Li asks.

"I haven't cultivated yet, that was something else." I answer.

"Where are we going?" Nie Li questions.

"Outside the city walls, the city can't tax me or control anything if I open up shop outside of its walls, sure it might mean less customers but that's fine." I place a hand on their shoulder and then we appear outside the wall in the large plains area.

I pull out a familiar black box and press the button before stepping away. "Move back."

"What is that?" Ning'er asks getting over her shock of appearing somewhere outside the city. In the distance you could easily make out the large city walls.

"The store." The block quickly expands showing a large black building maybe 2 stories tall.

The front was open allowing others to see inside and show various items on shelves, bottles filled with pills or potions, various books, crystal's, weapons and armors, scrolls with arrays on them.

Outside was a small neat looking bunch of tables and chairs they had tablets on them that showed various foods and soft music was playing over hidden speakers.

In bright lights above the building was the simple word SHOP glowing bright purple.

The two stragglers were stunned at the sight of the building.

"Cmon I'll show you around." I tell them before heading in the side door.

Back at the city the guards were stunned when the new building popped up out of nowhere and one rushed off to go inform the city lord.
