
Chapter 29

Kaiden just watched Gideon flip through their old memories together. Even though Gideon wasn't looking at him, he smiled at him. He softly responded, "Of course, it was made by Deon after all". The sudden mention of that old nickname tugged a few of Gideon's heartstrings.

Lately, he has grown more comfortable around Kaiden. But there was still uneasiness in Gideon's heart regarding their relationship. Although it was great that Kaiden didn't resent him, his reasons for befriending him still are unclear.

He closed the photo album and handed it to Kaiden. Kaiden must have misinterpreted what this meant and suddenly asked him what was wrong. Of course, Gideon won't tell him that he was doubting his actions towards him. He shook his head while slightly waving his hand saying that there was nothing wrong. Kaiden didn't seem to believe him so he sighed and answered that he was still bothered by the two demon nobles arguing.

"You're curious about what Amias did?"

"Yeah… He was sort of like a friend through the years"

Kaiden frowned but he knew it couldn't be helped. He still felt a little bit annoyed because Gideon calls that man a friend.

"How should I start with this… Ah. How many Demon Nobles are recorded in the Capital's history"


"How many have you met? Five right?" Gideon nodded at Kaiden's question. This wasn't really mentioned in the original novel nor did Gideon look into the minor details if it was indeed written there.

'You don't mean!?'

"The Fifth Demon Noble, Yohann, was reported to be dead during an investigation he and Amias were conducting around 15 years ago"

Gideon covered his mouth in shock. Now it made sense why Damien said those things. Everyone probably blamed Amias because he lived. Just because of that? But didn't Damien mention that the situation called for it?

"What did Lord Damien mean by "The situation called for it"? He mentioned this to Arda earlier"

"I don't particularly know the full story but I think it's because Yohann held up an array all by himself to keep the corrupted monsters at bay while Amias retreated"

Hearing the details made Gideon visualize just how gruesome his death might have been. It was either one of them dying or both of them dying. Indeed the situation did call for it.

"Prior that, Amias already had several issues and that includes one of their hostages escaping and one of the bases he established got ransacked by Matthew"

This meant that all of those issues piled up onto his plate. And right now his life is a Jenga tower with missing pieces already. One major mistake and it's game over.

"To be honest they all got problems but yeah the treatment he got was unfair compared to the others and that's mostly due to Kassandra's influence"

"What did he do to Lady Kassandra?"

"Yohann was her younger brother. They're twins."

'That explains a lot'

Gideon once had siblings and understood the pain Kassandra had gone through. Even if two siblings fought, they always somehow find a way to make up with one another. Especially if it's only the two of them left. The eldest would do what they can for their younger sibling.

The atmosphere of the hideaway was heavy due to their topic. The two talked more about other stuff before Gideon told Kaiden that he wanted to go home already and Kaiden gladly led him out of this hideout. They ended up at one of the hallways that goes into the ballroom they had been in earlier. Kaiden called for Alexander who was supposed to be the original tour guide since he assumes that the man finally finished his work especially with how long they had been spending together. This way Gideon can return safely and Alexander doesn't get scolded by his superior for leaving Gideon alone.

Kaiden thought about today's events and decided to go back to Arda's office. To his surprise, Damien was about to leave the office and the man who had been the topic of the day was walking towards them. Amias was surprised to see a lot of people gathered by Arda's door and they all had complicated expressions. Damien forgot to close the door and it bothered Arda that she stood up and patted him.

"Hey what are you loitering around my door for?" 

She noticed the Prince and Amias were outside her door as well and she lowered her head in respect to Kaiden. Everyone stood there in silence. No one dared to speak first but Kaiden was also unsure if he should speak since Amias was here. Amias broke the silence by coughing and handing a folder to Arda. 

"I was told to also give you a copy of my work. I don't know what's with you three but I'll be taking my leave. Byee!" Amias quickly turned around and disappeared into a cloud of smoke to avoid getting involved in their business.

Kaiden frowned and looked at the two nobles telling them to go inside right now. The three will have a discussion regarding the issue earlier. Damien wanted to leave so bad but alas he was too late.

Amias was teleported in another hallway and he let out a breath and leaned on the wall. He's been using his powers lately and he hasn't gotten laid for a while now so it's taking a toll on his health. He shook his head lightly and thought that he should borrow one of the cars they have here.

On his way to the garage area Amias had passed by several subordinates under the other nobles and they all just looked at him with distrust. There was another rumor spreading around that he was helping the enemy and even if it was proven false you still can't deny the fact that it was still his fault. His fault for being too weak and letting other people die for him.

Amias takes one of the keys even without permission because Luciel wouldn't care and even if he did, it was Amias. The person who was stationed in the garage rolled his eyes and Amias merely chuckled.

"If you want to keep your eyes I best suggest you stop" he smiled back at him and twirled the keys in his hands.

The drive back to his place wasn't that bad since it was nearby. Unlike the other Nobles who had mansions, he opted for a condo unit that he had already owned for years now even before this war ended. What was the point of moving to a bigger place when it's only him managing himself. No one was willing to work under him.

"Home sweet home.." 

Amias muttered as he walked towards his couch and threw off his coat and undid his shirt. He let out a tired sigh again and stared at the ceiling contemplating on what he should do about his problem.

'I can probably fuck the sisters that live downstairs again but ugh'

He scratches his head and randomly remembers the weird encounter he had with Kaiden, Damien, and Arda. Seeing those three reminded him of a past he tries to forget. Especially when Kaiden is close to Yohann's Height.


Amias wasn't in the mood anymore to even think about his problem down there. Sometimes he just thinks about what the others say, especially Kassandra. He still remembers that scene like it was yesterday. Amias was rushed to Caduceus Wing for the treatment of his wounds. He was still a little shocked and refused to stay put.

"DAMIEN, PLEASE LET ME GO BACK TO YOHANN" He gripped Damien's arms, almost digging his nails into his skin. Damien bit down on his lower lip and shakes his head.

"Amias, we can't… he's already gone"

"NO HE'S NOT GONE PLEASE HE'S STRONGER THAN ME BUT HE CAN'T STAY THERE ANY LONGER PLEASE EVEN IF IT'S JUST YOU PLEASE!" Amias tried to get out of bed. He has to go, Damien wouldn't know where the place is. He'll just use the last of his powers to teleport them close enough and they can just run there.


He took a hold of Amias' shoulders to stop him from getting out of bed and that's when they heard something snap. Damien turned around and saw that Kassandra and Arda had arrived. Kassandra was holding the door handle and when she heard what Damien had said, she accidentally tore off the area that had the handle. She saw red, she was going to murder Amias.

Prior to Amias being rushed into here for his wounds, Kassandra already felt the string that attached her to her brother snap. That's why she rushed here as soon as she heard that Amias had returned. She already knew something happened to her brother but when she came in here, she got something way worse than what she was expecting.


Kassandra rushed towards the injured Amias and Damien had to block off the first attack since none of them were prepared for this. He got slightly injured and Arda tried to pull her away.


Kassandra continued to resist Arda and Damien had to help Arda in taking Kassandra away from here before she harmed Amias.


Kassandra started breaking down crying but she was still trying to resist the two. Her shoulders were shaking as tears continued to stream down. She was a vain person who took pride in how she looks but all of that was set aside. She shakes her head and kept mumbling

"Yohann.. Why why"
