
Life in Yunkai It's yours but I want it

After a full afternoon of making arrangements to meet the Wise Masters (More like a mind control here and a sweet sweet mind control there) Dinak had Dzodro found themselves face to be with the three last wise Masters of Yunkai.

An old man a girl and a whale.In all honesty not an impressive display but that didn't matter all that mattered was that they make Dzodro a wise Master.

Malazza spoke first she was a young woman with a heavy chest and armor with the Harpy of Yunkai decorated on the chest." so tell me young Dzodro what exactly happened at the arena and how were you able to survive?

Yurkhaz zo Yunzak the oldest man in the room also asking for an explanation.

Dzodro looked at the Wise Masters took a breath and was about to speak.

Dzodro: oh wise masters of Yunkai what happened there was an absolute slaughter honestly it can only be discribed with your own imagination and you must understand that I of all people plan to exact my vengeance for the death of my father who was killed in cold blood.

Dinak looked at Dzadro with a face trying to hold back laughter this had be the most emotional he had ever seen Dzodro and it was both embarrassing and amazing to watch.

After a few minutes of Dzadro's bull shiting the Wise Masters seemed convinced with his story especially since he looked convincing enough.

They decided to grant Dzadro the position of wise Master in a few days and as they looked at me they decided to grant me 2000 coins of slavers bay a mansion and 400 slaves quite generous but it won't matter soon.

Dinak couldn't help but eye Malazza for some time she wasn't the prettiest girl in town but it didn't matter to him much he could have any girl from his brothel he simply gave a small bow and a dozen soldiers marched into the chamber and held Thier spears to Dinak and Dzodro.

"What is the meaning of this" Dzodro asked in a demanding tone.

Malazza stood up with a grin on her face

"You didn't honestly expect us to gift you one who isn't even a noble the title of a wise Master and you I know you your not just any pit fighter your the leader of the yellow Harpies I've seen you fight before and capturing you the leader of the yellow Harpies would be great for my image.

The other two old men simply grinned and chuckeld.

Dzodro only sighed and looked at Dinak

Dinak despite having Spears pointed at him could only look at Malazza who was more curvaceous than he thought. She was a strange one she had her own personal army of slaves that she trained they don't seem to impressive but oh well.

In the blink of an eye Dinak grabbed a guards spear and kicked him backing his ribcage then he drove the spear into another guard the others tried to attack but feeling Thier fear Dinak quickly took control of Thier minds commanding then to stop.

Malazza began to yell commands at her slaves but the did not listen to her they where under Dinaks command.

Dinak looked at Dzadro with a grin Well that went as you said it would.

Dzodro brushed of his comment and sighed to think after all that effort and my more than Stella performance honestly we might aswell kill them now.

Dinak smiled and looked at the cowaring masters sensing Thier fear ozz out of them

Dinak used this chance to take control of the Wise Masters in but a second they were under his controll

Dzodro looked at Dinak with unimpressed eyes but deep down he was impressed he did not think that Dinak truly possessed magic this had made much more sense to him now but he still questioned how he had such abilities the previous night Dianak had spoken of his method of anexing the companies of many merchants and they were sceptical but eventually they believed.

And now here they stand before the Wise Masters well what remains of them anyway.

Dinak waved his hand at the three wise Masters then spoke

Dinak: "oh old viruses to this once beautiful city of Yunkai your time is up now it is time to end this now rise"

they got onto Thier feet trembling in fear as their faces became pale.

Dinak smiled and said as he waved to some soldiers to places some daggers to the Wise Masters feet " now do it end your worthless lives

as the former wise Masters tried to fight the urge to do it they picked up the daggers and raised them to their throats

"wait called Dinak pointing to Malazza " you will be mine but you two do as I comanded and end it.

and with just a word The two old wise Masters slit their own throats and feel to the ground like a bag of bloody sausage.

Malazza looked on in horror as Dinak walked towards her with a smile

Dinak reached out and grabbed her hair styled in the Ghiscari fashion

Dinak: don't worry about this we will just clean it up ,but for now declare my friend and I Wise Masters of Yunkai immediately and I'll give you a little gift you want a gift don't you

Malazza nodded not knowing what else to do.

Dinak smiled well it's not like you had a choice but still works.

And just like that Dinak finally became what he had always planned for but it was not over yet he still had goals that reached far beyond Yunkai but at the moment he was one of the Wise Masters.

Dinak walked to the balcony of the large pyramid and beneath him was the yellow city of Yunkai his city he had big plans for Yunkai and Astapor and Meeren were part of the keys he needed to ensure it his grand ambition.

as he lost himself to his thoughts Dinak could not notice Dzodro's eyes glaring at the former Wise Masters bodies and at Dinak those eyes clearly had fear in them fear of the great power Dinak had to control the emotions and minds of others " could this same power have been used on me or my sister he wondered to himself he tried to recall a Time he wasn't himself but nothing he wasn't sure or maybe it's was proof he was hypnotized he couldn't tell.

Dinak paid him no attention as he looked down on the city and just lost himself in thought what would his next steps be he wondered what ever they may be he had to ensure that he stayed ontop of it all and that when danger comes knocking on his door he must be ready before the events of the story start otherwise he would lose it all.

What a world he thought what a world.

