
[Unknown Beast Egg identified!]

"Carter… I'M BACK!!"

Esmond appeared back in the lounge room and saw the clock in the lounge room telling him it was 1 o'clock.

He was ready to go hunting for Carter, but he soon heard from him.

'I'm at the Institute…' Carter said.

In that moment, Esmond shifted over to the institute, arriving outside the entrance to the head office building.

Thankfully some of the students who were studying at the institute helped guide Esmond towards his personal lab where Carter currently was with Tulluan, Sam the Zadrisian scientist, David the G.A.E human scientist, Echo, Isabelle, and Janet all waiting for his arrival.

A little taken aback by the number of people all waiting for him to arrive but before he could smack Carter in the face, he saw the coding on the screen that Carter was solely focused on, as well as the others.

"… Is that the Geth code…?" Esmond said, amazed at the intricacy he saw on the screens.

"Hmm… it took a lot out of me, but it was worth it in the end…

You'll be surprised at what I learnt and found- ARGH….!"

Carter was body slammed into the ground by Esmond who couldn't hold his emotions back any longer.

Everyone around them was scared and worried that something chaotic might happen, except for Isabelle and Echo who seemed to just look at each other in silence before getting to work, separating the two.

"You done asshole?!"

"Yeah… feeling great to be honest!" Esmond replied to Carter with a smile on his face, before he calmed down and said seriously.

"Continue on…"

Carter glared back at Esmond, angered that he was attacked out of nowhere but… he considered it far retribution for his earlier prank.

With that aside Carter continued on with his explanation while the others looked on, wondering what the hell just happened.


"Like I was saying…

I found more than I hoped for.

Their network, while strong, wasn't hard to handle once I was connected.

Anyway, from their database I've come across designs of all sorts of weapons from soldiers to massive weapons aboard a dreadnought class battleship.

I've even come across ship, architecture, culture, genetic information, and plenty of other projects that the Geth worked on or assimilated into their database to increase their knowledge pool.

Just from that alone, I can tell that the Citadel schematics you've been awarded are around 3.5 times larger than its constructed figure.

What I didn't expect to find though… was Reaper tech…

So called 'heretics' of the Geth network left behind small traps that would let the Reapers invade their network in the future if need be.

Unfortunately, I came across it and stumbled into it as it led me to be connected with some Reaper called Nazara…

From that Reaper, well that son of a bitch, *sigh* anyway… I found out more than I expect…"

The excruciating pain Carter felt while connecting with the Geth was because of his intrusion on the Reapers network.

Cater found much more than he was bargaining for and learnt all about Reaper technology, construction, ships and the organic - synthetic technology at their core.

Esmond was astonished at the findings as Carter even came across genetic information and coding on the many species consumed by the Reapers.

Tulluan suggested on using the information to revive some of the species within the space, but Esmond wasn't too comfortable with it right away.

Protheans were one of the species named in the information and were named as the creators of the beacon that the Geth were searching for in the earlier mission Esmond was on.


Seeing the wealth of knowledge in front of him, Esmond asked Carter to upload everything to the Virtual World and to start making use of the information collected.

In the personal lab of Esmond, everyone started to connect with full dive gear so they could travel over to the Virtual Labs.

Esmond didn't plan on going back home and playing Halo with his mood spoiled, so he was focused on doing some work for now instead.

Once they arrived in the Labs, David raced for the Labs with information on engines and energy systems while Sam went to find everything he could on weapons and armour suits.

There was data on all sorts of subjects and fields, someone as busy as Esmond wouldn't have the time to check on everything so he was glad to know there were plenty of people that would check them out in his stead.


Taking Tulluan and Janet with Carter, Echo, and Isabelle coming along of their freewill, Esmond reached the Lab with the Citadel schematics.

Esmond didn't waste time and quickly started work on the mega structure, with plans to put it into effect.

Even though he had other rewards that could use his attention first, Esmond was rather intrigued by the Citadel designs.

Echo was currently handling the Interplanetary Combative Training Program, creating the facilities on the military base where the soldiers would be training in the future, leaving Esmond enough time to muck around in the Labs.

Having a look over the Citadels designs, Esmond started creating changes to the overall design, a little annoyed at the lack of creativity and further technological advancements.

The Citadel was constructed in a massive pentagram shape with a central ring, consisting of around 45 km in diameter when open and five arms protruding out from the ring that were 156.5 km long, 1.2 km thick, and 9 km wide.

It was an astonishing construction to marvel at, however simple problems like the lack of atmosphere and day – night cycle on the arms caused many problems with the behaviour of the society.

Seeing this, Tulluan suggested adapting one of their unfinished products on the Citadel, the Artificial Weather and Atmosphere System.

A Thazukraan scientist started the project when certain signs showed the path of their species in space might require them to create space habitats to house their people.

He understood there was a limit to centrifugal force, and it's benefits with megastructures in space, so he planned on creating something that could help deal with those problems with an automated system controlling it to reduce manual errors from occurring.

Esmond worked on the project, removing the problems the scientist couldn't stop and eventually creating another project to support the Artificial system.

Using Electromagnetic Force Shield Esmond developed for the Citadel would allow starship to land directly on the arms, giving incoming ships another port beside the central ring.

In the new design of the Citadel, Esmond added another Central Ring on the opposite side of the arms, creating a cylinder shape.

Even within the central ring, there was another small ring with a diameter of roughly a third of the main one, creating four rings on the new structure, two on either end of the megastructure.

Esmonds estimated that roughly 100 million could live on the Citadel without any problems whatsoever, however it needed a great amount of energy to keep it running.

Thankfully Esmond already had the solution for that.


For up to 90 days or so, or 4 and a half hours in the space, Esmond worked diligently on the Citadel designs, improving the megastructure with his knowledge and that of the other residents.

He'd even worked on updating the designs of the SSV Normandy, removing the large Tantalus Drive Core for an improved FTL Mass Quantum Drive Engine he'd designed that reduced the engine to the size roughly 3 by 3 metres.

The engine would reduce the sum weight of the ship to a negative mass that would allow it to travel faster than conventional FTL Drives.

It would let the ship drop into a slip stream through space with its negative weight allowing it to travel enormous distances that typical FTL Drives couldn't possibly travel within a normal lifespan.

Esmond had produced Anti-Matter just yet so he couldn't produce Dark Matter or Anti-Matter Engines which were marginally faster and far more destructive in his mind.

Though they left behind far more pollution, Esmond believed he would be able to find a solution to such issues before he implemented them into his fleets.

For now, he was more than happy with his FTL Mass Quantum Drive Engine and Shielding that would go around the SSV Normandy.

Carter had added weaponry from the Reapers arsenal and what he knew from his own memories with Esmond, but speaking with the Xlartanian scientist Arcia, they started adding all sorts of weaponry and systems with the increased space.


They'd also learnt how the Prothean beacon worked, learning its instantaneous communication system spread throughout the galaxy and could allow for instant messaging from across the far ends of the galaxy to the other end.

Esmond incorporated the Prothean technology into the SSV Normandy communication systems as well as updating the satellites that were currently around Earth and those that were to be sent out in the future.

The technology was incredible, even with the tweaks by Esmond to increase their functionality to work with the Energy Sphere in the future and other systems, Esmond saw great value in the tech for his current plans on earth.

They'd also found during their work that the Cloaking System they were currently using and adapting could be improved, so changes were being made on the current systems in place using the Cloaking tech.

Once they left the Virtual Labs, Esmond realised the amount of information they came across and the number of projects in their employ would keep them busy and far ahead than he original expectations.

Tulluan even confirmed their deep space construction drones could complete the construction of the Citadel within the space in roughly 6 months.

The number of drones were also being increased to keep up with the constructions that would come in the future as well.

Currently on the list of projects that needed to be built were the space elevators and space stations, so to speed things up Esmond wanted more drones working so he could set everything up on Earth as soon as possible.

Major headway on the terraforming projects meant Esmond could develop Neptune and Mars as well as certain moons into new human colonies so he wanted his people or at least, his droids out there before anyone else had the chance.


Since it was 6 in the afternoon and his parents would return shortly, Esmond thought it was ideal to leave for the cabin, but for some reason he felt like heading over to the Universal Essence Spring.

He had yet to open up one of his rewards for the update to the Spatial Ark Star World.

The Medicinal Garden was already built with all Esmond having to only select a place for it to be built.

Some of the Zadris people were managing the enormous garden with the help of drones because of the land it took up.

Esmond estimated it was roughly the size of Sydney, including the surrounding suburbs, but there was room for it to still grow with the right care and since the seeds he received with it were quite helpful in all sorts of way for the body, Esmond couldn't wait for the end results.

But the gift he'd yet to focus on was the Unknown Beast Egg he received.

He hadn't brought it out just yet because he didn't feel ready yet, but with some time on hand, Esmond thought about connecting with the beast.

The reason Esmond was at the Universal Essence Spring and planned to spawn the egg was to use its help in accelerating the birth process or power.

Pretty much, Esmond was winging it and just hoping for the best.

Summoning the egg into his hands, Esmond noticed the weight wasn't anything less than a couple hundred kilos.

It wasn't anything pretty or shining, rather it was very simple other than the size being roughly a metre talk.

Esmond called for some drones and asked them to place it in the middle of the spring while he sat to the side and meditated.


'Get your ass home!

Mums back!

Plus, Dad wants to watch Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem… Hey…..

I got a great idea…' Carter felt like trying to send Esmond into the Aliens vs. Predator and see what the big fuss was with the damn bugs.

In his opinion the micro bugs Esmond fought against in one of his past lives would assimilate bodies and minds together, wiping out the consciousness of the original body.

Esmond had to create a completely new filtration system to breath in infested air and building a new biological weapon that could battle those sneak bastards.

To Carter, the Aliens weren't too much of an issue especially with Esmonds current body those bugs would be dead before they could do anything harm.

While it all sounded exciting Esmond thought the idea of him going into the film, especially in front of his parents concerned him a little, plus he was busy with the egg, but he didn't wait long before he heard some shocking news.



[Unknown Beast Egg has been affected by the Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring!]

[Beast has transformed and improved during incubating period!]

[Unknown Beast Egg identified!]


[Original grade of Kraken has improved due to the Universal Essence!]

[Common → Uncommon → Mortal → Elite]

[Kraken has begun absorbing the Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring during incubation!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]



[Level – 8]

[Exp: 45,000/80,000]

[Grade: Elite]


- Water Manipulation

- Tidal Wave Generation

- Island Physiology

- Size Manipulation

- Ice Manipulation

- Life Creation

o Marine Lifeform, organisms, and ecosystems

o Can create other Krakens that will remain within its control

- Spatial connection with Spatial Ark Star World

- Revitalising and Cleansing Ability

o Can revitalise polluted sea and clean the areas to allow for new marine life to create]
