
The ultimate question

When Zadkiel returned, he told the good news about his mother to Irvin and thanked him for giving him an idea and making this all very easy for him. He told him all about what happened up there but Irvin only said one thing. That he wouldn’t let him go there ever again because he missed him too much.

Zadkiel assured him that he’d try not to go there but he didn’t promise because he wasn’t sure when he would have to go there. There could be some important business so he was never sure but he did try his best to assure his mate that he wouldn’t be long again.

There was one thing that was bothering him all the time. The uncertainty of Irvin’s life. He was a mortal and he could be dead any second. There was no surety that he would live his life till he is old and grey and even if he lived that long, that wouldn’t be enough for someone immortal.
