
Chapter 132: The Hunt Comes To A Close

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a chair in her private room within her familia's hideout, Styx was relaxing.




That is until she heard several explosions and scream ring out through the air.

The moment the goddess heard this she got a frown on her face.

"Who dares to attack us?!" She shouted.

Just as she did so one of her familia members threw open the door to her room, a terrified expression on his face.

"My lady, it's the Ganesha familia! They are attacking!" He quickly explained.

Hearing her familia members report Styx clicked her tongue in utter annoyance.

Since now that she knew it was the Ganesha familia attacking her only option is to run. Because Styx knows none of her current familia members can match up to the might of Ganesha's children.

"Fuck! Dammit!" Styx cursed.

Kicking over several objects in her room as she did so.

But that only lasted a moment before she re-composed herself.

Once she did so Styx clapped her hands, and the second after she did so four slaves entered into her room.

"Time to go." She said.

As Styx said this the member of her familia who informed her of the current attack looked at her with a confused expression on his face.

"My lady, what are you saying?" He asked her.

But Styx didn't answer.

She simply made a gesture towards him with her hand.

Right after she did so one of the slaves closed the distance and stabbed the familia member right through the heart, killing him instantly.

Once this was done Styx moved toward the back wall of her room and pushed in a piece of the wall.

The second after she did so a section of it slid away, revealing a secret passage.

Styx had had it built just for the current situation.

"It's a shame I'll have to give up this business. But I can always rebuild." Styx muttered.

A twisted smile on her face as she did so.

Since she was one of the gods who truly felt nothing for those of the mortal world and only saw them as things for her own amusement and pleasure.

The twisted smile still on her face Styx and her contingent of slave guards entered through the secret passage.

The door closing behind them shortly after they did so.


In an abandoned ally, a piece of wall opened up.

When it did so Styx and her slave guards exited it. The wall closing up behind them shortly after they did so.

Since it was the exit to the secret tunnel Styx had built.

As the slaves spread out around Styx to guard her, she continued moving. Thinking about her next move.

'Now that the Ganesha familia has discovered my operation I will need to leave Orario.' Styx thought.

She then started making plans in her mind to escape the labyrinth city.

But as she did so several figures appeared and quickly took down her guards.

"What the?" Styx said.

Only for a person to walk out of the shadows right in front of her.

It is Athena.

For the people who just took down Styx guards are the Athena familia.

'Athena, what is this bitch doing here?!' Styx thought.

She didn't understand how Athena had discovered her.

Since Styx was the only one who knew about the secret escape tunnel in her room back at her familia's hideout.

Everyone else who knew about it Styx had had killed to prevent the exact kind of situation she found herself in now.

'How? How did this bitch and her children learn of my secret escape tunnel?!' Styx thought.

"You look confused. Are you perhaps wondering how we knew to find you here?" Athena asked Styx.

The moment Styx heard this she felt a shiver race down her spine.

Since she felt that Athena was reading her thoughts without even trying.

"It wasn't that hard actually." Athena said. "From the testimonies of several of your familia members that we captured as well as several of the slaves we freed from under your familia's control I learned that you're a sadist who enjoys inflicting pain on others, but ultimately in the end you'll do anything to save yourself. Disregarding those who are loyal to you without any hesitation. So once I figured this out I knew that if an attack was launched against your base you would flee. Probably through a pre-made route you implemented just in case such a scenario happened. After that, it was simply a matter of placing sentries at the likely positions you would appear in proximity to your base if in fact you did make an escape route." She explained.

"No...No way. Don't fuck with me!" Styx shouted at Athena.

But the silver-haired goddess didn't respond. She simply kept looking at Styx with a soft smile on her face.

"Fuck! Dammit it all!" Styx shouted. Grabbing her hair she started pulling at it, an angry expression marring her face as she did so. "It can't end like this! I won't allow it!" She screamed.

"What are you saying, it's already over." Athena spoke.

The moment she did so Styx leveled a hateful glare at her. She then charged forward.

But the moment this happened Leonmitchelli tossed Athena's spear to her, and then her goddess used the blunt end and smack Styx right across the face.

Which caused the dark-hard goddess to fall to the ground, blood flying out of her mouth as she did so.

"Agh!!" Styx screamed, holding her left jaw which Athena just smacked with her spear.

Writhing in pain on the ground Styx looked at Athena with an even angrier expression on her face than moments ago.

But that expression quickly changed to fear, when she saw the look in Athena's eyes.

There was no light in them at all. They were like two black holes.

"Something the matter Styx?" Athena asked. Putting a soft smile on her face.

She then took a step forward, only for Styx to crawl away from her on the ground.

"Stay back! Stay away from me!" Styx cried.

But Athena ignored her and simply kept getting closer and closer, taking deliberate steps forward as she did so.

This action caused Styx to continue crawling, until eventually she found herself up against a wall. Athena having cornered her, like a predator having cornered its prey in the wild.

Her back against a wall Styx finally understood that she was nothing but an insignificant bug to Athena.

"Hey, let's make a deal." Styx said to Athena.


Only for the silver-haired goddess to quickly reject it.

"I think you are forgetting the fact one of your children ordered a hit on my captain." Athena said. "And for for no other reason than to get revenge over a petty matter."

When the members of the Athena familia interrogated the Styx familia member who put out the hit on Morax, they learned the reason was because Morax stopped him from hitting on some girls who didn't enjoy his attention.

The man didn't take to kindly to that and tried to use force, but Morax quickly handed his ass to him. Which caused the girls he was hitting on to laugh at him.

The Styx familia member couldn't take that, so he decided to assassinate Morax.

But instead he had ended up getting his entire familia destroyed for fucking with the wrong person.

"I had nothing to do with that. That dumbass acted on his own." Styx explained.

"Even so, as his goddess you are partially responsible for his actions." Athena retorted. "Also, stop begging it's pathetic." She spoke. Looking at Styx with clear disgust on her face as she did so.

Noticing the look Athena was giving her Styx anger rose again. "You bitch!" She shouted.

Styx then tried to attack Athena.

Only for her to bitch slap Styx right across the face.

"What a haughty bitch you are. Looks like someone needs to teach you some manners." Athena said.

She then started grinning like a devil and slowly closed the distance between her and Styx.

"No. Stay back! Get away from me! Noo!!!!" Styx shouted at the top her lungs.

But Athena ignored her cries and continued with her actions.

As Leontmitchelli and the others watched this, all of them were thinking the exact same thing.

Never ever truly make Athena angry.

After Athena finished "educating" Styx they turned her over to the guild.

Thus bringing the case against Morax to a close.
