
Chapter 123: Gaul's Troubles Resolved

(3rd Person: POV)

Walking up to the gate of the Owl House, Luinore took a deep breath before crossing the threshold.

The end of the week was here.

So just like she told Gaul she had an answer ready concerning their romantic relationship.

Going up to the front door, Luinore knocked.

Then a moment later the door was opened.

And by none other than Leonmitchelli.

When this happened Luinore couldn't help but put a cramped smile on her face.

Since she had come to the Owl House to talk to Gaul about the future of their relationship, and the person who greets her is his elder sister.

The person in the world likely most vested in seeing Gaul happy.

"Come in, Luinore. Also stop looking like that. Whatever happens between you and my brother happens. It's really none of my business. Leonmitchelli said.

As if she was reading Luinores thoughts.

"Besides, that idiot brought this on himself. So he must suffer the consequences. Whatever they may be." Leonmitchelli explained.

As she did so the cramped smile vanished from Luinores face and she entered the Owl House.

Once she did so Leonmitchelli closed the door and then led Luinore to Gauls room.

"Go on in." Leonmitchelli said. "And if he isn't awake then hit him over the head. It's always worked for me." She explained.

As she did so Luinore put a wry smile on her face.

Ignoring it Leonmitchelli went on her way.

Silently hoping that if Luinore gave her brother another chance he wouldn't mess it up this time around.

As Leonmitchelli went on her way Luinore opened up Gauls door and went inside.

Closing it behind her, she looked around and saw him standing near his bed. Drying off his body with a towel.

Since Gaul had just finished a shower.

Noticing Luinore Gaul stopped drying himself and stared at her.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." She replied.

The two then stood staring at each other in awkward silence.

Luinore doing her best to keep her gaze focused on Gauls' face and not his six pack of abs or his other head. Which is out in all its glory.

"Am, please put some clothes on." Luinore finally managed to say.

"Right. Sure." Gaul said.

He then moved over to his dresser and slipped on a long-sleeve shirt and pants.

Once he did he moved to sit on his bed.

While Luinore pulled out his desk chair and sat down.

"So, you've decided then." Gaul said. His voice shaking.

"I have." Luinore replied. "But before I give you my answer. Let me ask you one thing. Besides the amazon, where there any other girls?"

"No." Gaul immediately replied. "It's only you and Samira I swear. Well at first it was just her, but then I met you. I didn't know I would develop feelings for you like I did. It just happened. And then I asked you out. I was also planning to introduce Samira to you. Really I was. But I was to slow and now here we are." He explained. "But once again, there is no one else. You two are the top and only girls in my heart."

"I see." Luinore said. "Good to know. And it better stay that way unless I and the amazon say so." She told him.

Hearing this Gauls ears perked up. As did his tail.

"Wait, are you saying you still want to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes." Luinore said.

She had thought long and hard about the decision.

Especially after her anger died down after finding out Gaul had another lover besides her.

Luinore soon realized Gaul was truly remorseful in hiding his relationship with Samira from her.

So she decided go give him another chance.

But only one.

"Yes!" Gaul cried.

He put a stupid grin on his face and then jumped in the air for joy.

Five minutes passed before he eventually calmed down.

"Thank you. I promise you won't regret this." Gaul said.

"I know I won't." Luinore replied.

"Yes, you won't." Gaul said.

He then thought of another topic they needed to discuss.

"So hey, are you ok with my relationship with Samira?" Gaul asked.

Since if Luinore wants to move forward with him he wants her to be ok with Samira. Otherwise Gaul might be forced to choose between the two of them.

Which he did not want to do.

To Gauls question Luinore nodded her head.

"You are really fine with it?" Gaul asked again.

"Yes." Luinore said.

She's known many adventures and people both male and female who have had more than one partner at a time.

Although she herself never expected to end up in such a relationship, it's not like she hates it.

So long as Gaul still cherishes her she is fine woth him being with the amazon.

'No, her name is Samira. I need to remember that.' Luinore thought.

Hearing Luinore say she is fine sharing him with Samira Gaul once again jumped up and danced like an idiot.

Now he knows how Morax feels being in a relationship with more than one woman.

It's a nice feeling.

Stopping his dance once more Gaul scooped Luinore into his arms and then kissed her.

Which she happily returned.

As they deepened their kiss soon both were completely out of their clothes and Gaul unleashed the sleeping beast within him.

Not letting Luinore sleep all night long.

As the morning sun rose the couple slept peacefully, holding each other in their arms.

Luinore having completely forgotten she was supposed to work the morning shift at the Hostess of Fertility.

Needless to say when she showed up later Mamma Mia was not happy.

At both her and Gaul.

But like a couple they suffered through the angry dwarfs punishment together.
