
Chapter 77: The Great Feud (Part 11)

(Morax: POV)

While continuing to explain the joys of being a man with a harem to Rogue, he, Gaul, and I continued our patrol through the city.

"So in conclusion Rogue my friend, having a harem isn't bad at all." I said. "You will love who you love no matter what, and if you have the capacity to give that love out to everyone you care for then I see no issue with it." I explained.

Rubbing my chin as if I had a long beard like a wizened old sage from a Chinese cultivation novel.

"Besides the love, there's also the sex." I added at the end.

"Yes, I get it ok. So enough about the harem this and harem that." Rogue said.

Having stopped trying to silence me as I spoke since he knew it was pointless.

"Hey Rogue, do you hate harems or something?" Gaul asked. Since he's been silent for most of Rogue and mine's usual banter.

"I don't." Rogue answered. "It's just. Having one has never crossed my mind. Since I only have one women in my heart, Kaguya." He admitted.

"Aw!" Gaul and I said at the same time.

Making Rogue get a massive blush on his face.

"Rogue, I never knew you were such a romantic." Gaul said.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Same. Kaguya is a very lucky girl to have someone like you." I said.

"Tch. Whatever." Rogue said. Turning his head away from us as his blush grew deeper.

Gaul and I snickered at this.

But then all of us stopped playing around when we noticed two people rushing towards us.

Putting our guards up, we immediately put them down when we saw it was Lyra and Kaguya. The two of them bloodied and beat up. Kaguya sporting several broken bones from the unnatural position of her arms.

"Kaguya!" Rogue shouted in worry.

He then rushed over to her and scooped her up in her arms without hesitation.

"Lyra, what happened?" I asked her.

She then explained to me how out on patrol the two of them encountered Erebus. They were going to capture him, but weren't able to because of Vito and Alfia showing up. Hence their current condition.

"Understood." I said. "I'm just glad both of you are alive." I spoke. "Let's return to Owl House."

Getting a nod from both Gaul and Rogue, the five of us got a move on. Returning to the Athena familia home as quickly as possible.

Once there we used healing potions and elixirs, as well Ryuu's healing magic to take care of Kaguya and Lyra's injuries. The two of them making a full recovery within an hour.

Just as they did so someone knocked on our door.

Going to answer it I saw it was Ardi.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"The Hermes familia needs assistance." She explained.

"Give us five minutes." I said.

Ardi nodded.

Once she did so I called for everyone to assemble.

"Hermes familia needs assistance." I told them all. "Everyone but William and Ariane, let's move out." I said.

Since Ariane is still only level one. Even though she has falna now going into combat against Evilus members who've had it longer than her would get her killed easily and I won't allow that.

Which is why she is staying behind with Athena and Reina.

As for William he's on guard duty, since Millhiore still hasn't woken up yet.

No one protested my orders.

Then once they were given we geared up and headed out with Ardi to assist the Hermes familia.


Moving as fast as we could our paths crossed with the Astraea familia.

So Kaguya and Lyra updated them on their little adventure while we continued forward.

But eventually we had to stop, since we came to an impasse.

That impasse being Zald.

Another cheat-like existence.

Looking in our direction, Zald took several step towards us. Ignoring Shakti and Gareth, who were both lying on the ground bruised and abused.

"Sis!" Ardi shouted in worry.

She then ran to her sister, Zald ignoring her completely as she did so.

I would call him an overconfident bastard. If I didn't know how strong he truly is.

And just like with Alfia, what makes Zald even more terrifying is not he's not capable of unleashing his full strength due to the Behemoth poison having been weakening his body ever since he consumed its flesh.

Makes me respect Ottar even more now for defeating this guy.

Coming to a stop a few feet in front of us Zald place his blade, Grattor into the ground. "Sorry, but I've been given orders not to let anyone past this point." He explained to us. "So just wait until this is all over."

"Like hell we are!" Gaul shouted.

He then rushed at Zald.

"Idiot, stop!" Leonmitchelli shouted.

But it was too late.

Gaul closed the distance to Zald, and then was simply backhanded by the man back in our direction. Coughing up some blood as he crashed into the ground near our feet.

'Shit.' I thought. Zald literally swatted Gaul like he was nothing more than a fly. I will admit, seeing that did me some mental damage.

But not enough to make me give up.

"Moron, are you trying to die!?" Leonmitchelli shouted at Gaul as she took out healing potions and force fed them to him.

Not answering Gaul just put a grin on his face, only for his sister to smack him upside the head.

Right after she did so Astraea walked up to Zald and fearlessly stared him down. He did the same, and the two continued to have a staring competition until Zald broke it.

He then suddenly moved out of the way.

"You all may pass." He said.

'What the fuck?' I thought.

After all that he suddenly changes his tune.

I don't like it, but if he's letting us through I'm not going to complain.

"Everyone, let's move." I said.

As soon as I did so our entire group passed Zald, collecting Gareth and Shakti as we did so.

We then hurried on to the Hermes familia location.


Arriving at the scene of battle we noticed Olivas Act and his subordinates immediately. As well most of the Hermes familia down for the count, while the remaining ones were protecting some nearby civilians.

"Civilian protection." I said.

"What Morax said." Alise echoed.

As soon as she did so our familia members sprung into action.

Noticing us Olvias gave his subordinates orders.

"Kill them. Kill the goddess Astraea!" He shouted. A crazed-look in his eyes as he did so.

"Keep dreaming." Alise said.

She then put a serious expression on her face and drew her blade, cutting down several Evilus members in quick succession.

Following behind her Diluc did the same thing.

Working as a pair, Kaguya and Rogue went to cutting down any enemies they say. The two of them communicating without saying a word to each other as they took on anyone who got too close to them.

Putting a small smile on my face I shook my head.

"Really, those two are made for each other.' I thought.

Just I did so I noticed an Evilus member with a knife moved to try and stab Leonmitchelli. Noticing him she turned to face his attack. But before she could Ryner acted.

{What I seek this thunder, Izuchi!}


Sending out a blast of electricity, he killed the knife wielder. Ryner then shouted.

"Everyone careful! These evilus bastards are all wielding cursed weapons. One cut and the wound won't close!" He shouted.

As he did so the eyes of Olivas and the remaining Evilus members went wide in shock.

Since Ryner that just revealed something we weren't supposed to know.

I don't even know how he knows that information, but I guess it must be from a skill. I can't wait to ask him about it later.

After Ryner's helpful words everyone swiftly worked to finish off the Evilus members, while maintaining protection of the civilians and Hermes familia.

In no time at all the battle was completely in our favor.

Just as this happened I noticed that bastard Erebus fleeing the scene, along with Olivas.

I wanted to give chase, but knew if I did things might end badly.

So I reluctantly held myself back and started assisting the others with tending to the wounded.

Eventually other reinforcements showed up and everyone was able to be sent off safely.

Kaguya giving Rogue a rather huge and public kiss before we split up.

He was red in the face the entire way back to Owl House.

But the grin he had told us he enjoyed it all the same.


Standing in the Central Park of the city I had a serious expression on my face.

As did my familia members.

We, along with every other familia capable of fighting had been called to assemble by Finn.

"What do you think this could be about?" Ryner asked.

"It's probably about Evilus and ending this mess once and for all." Ryuu said.

'Oh my lovely Ryuu, how right you are.' I thought.

The final act of this whole horrible tragedy is about to begin.

An hour after we all assembled Finn took center stage.


He got upon a stage that had been set up and started explaining the situation to us.

That Evilus had used a god to summon a monster he called Nightmare, one with on par or greater than a monster rex from the deep floors themselves.

Hearing this several people began to despair, but Finn quickly turned things around.

He then explained his plan to end this entire mess.

Once he did so everyone left the park to begin final preparations.

Time for the Great Feud to come to an end.
