

April was far from Darvin who was sitting on the bed, crossing his arms with a serious expression.

"What do you want?" She asked with a wary expression on her face

"I came to explain to you" Said Darvin

"What sorts of creatures are you? Werewolves? Beasts? " Asked April

"We're Berserkers!" He replied

"Ber what? ??!" She asked

"Why I am even asking all these ?!" She laughed

"It doesn't exist, all of these exist in books" she added

"Did What you saw yesterday look illusive ?" He asked with a serious face

"Huh??!" She said thinking of yesterday night with a frightened look

"Berserkers..... . Berserkers comes from Nordic mythology, we were warriors of LORD ODIN who use to go to wars for LORD ODIN in ancient Nordic mythology. There have three kinds of berserkers. The normal berserkers which are bears, the Kingars which are boars and the Ulfarks which are wolves."

"And us we're Ulfarks berserkers!" He added

April was stunned with all what Darvin was telling her.

"Some people sees it as a Curse and actually it look as a curse when you don't arrived to control it as it the case of Edward " Continued Darvin

"How come Edward doesn't control that.... thing?" Asked April

"Don't be in a hase, I'm coming to it" He said

"This 'curse' is in the family since generations and generations. When you reach the age of adolescence, the young warriors have to pass an important ritual with the witches or wizards, the awakening ritual."

"When we're in the rage state, we kill with no distinction , we called that state the BERSERKSGANGR STATE "

He got up from the bed and looked at the door, He didn't turned ones to look at April face.

"The ritual was the signification of our sacred anger, because us berserkers , when we get angry we erase our human spirit leaving our beast spirit. When the ritual was done either we survived or we died, if we survived , we will have a tattoo of a wolf , as well as a snake biting it's tail and the signe of our clan to which we belong"

He turned back to April and removed his shirt and hold it on his right hand. April removed her gaze from him and looked away.

"As you can see, I have all these tattoos on me"

Curious, April looked at him . The crown prince was also perfectly shape , he had exactly the same tattoos as Edward.

[ I now understand why all the princes had it ]

"The problem is that, Edward berserker is the most dangerous and he cannot control it. When a berserker is like that, we have to found him a mate . It's the reason why Ronan and I had our respective wives because our other side became uncontrollable but it's different for Edward because his other side is unpredictable, dangerous , uncontrollable and love to see blood"

"Wait, the king had 2 wives , right? Who was his mate?"

"Queen Louisa, the mother of Ed and Alban. The marriage with my mother was just an arrange married for the kingdom "

"So, when Garuf said that he will come and see my body with no life as his mother was because..... " she paused

"Edward had killed his mother '' she added

Darvin nodded sadly

April eyes opened widely with horror in her eyes.

'' It was a night just like that of yesterday when Edward loss his control and Garuf took control . The only person that could calmed him was his mate but at the age of 17 , Edward didn't had any. He was too young, we couldn't imagined that he would loss control that early. His mother, Queen Louisa attempted to stop him , she hated to see her son suffering, she knew that when he was in this state only blood could Calm no stop him. So she decided that she will sacrifice herself by going to talk to Garuf but that monster was already in a berserksgangr state and he cruelly killed her"

''When Edward came back to him , he saw his hand with blood with the body of her mother having no life in it''

[A tragedy! ]

April looked down, she felt so sorry for Edward in fact for the entire royal family.

'' Sir Laurent is a wizard , helped to calmed down that berserkgangr state for 5 years , since Laurent is a wizard. Since the day of that accident, Edward decided to go out of this kingdom and never come back , he never looked back and talked to his young brother Alban since that accident ''

He approaches April , April stepped back , she was still afraid of him. He hold her shoulders and looked inside her eyes intensively.

''When Garuf will come back , he will be in a berserksgangr state again. Only blood will calmed him, Our entire kingdom could be removed from the map of the world"

"April, I'm not sure that you, his mate could stop that furious berserker but you're our only chance. You have to stop him" he said with determination and pleading in his eyes"

April eyes were widely opened , stunned by all the situation. What will she do?!

Finally, the nature of the Envel family has been discover. If you have any questions my instagram account author isybebe

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