
Welcome, Welcome Myself To The Kingdom!

Joras yawned, bored at another work day.

When you realize that living for 1,000 years meant working for 800, the so-called longevity didn't seem so desirable anymore.

It's not like he's doing anything great with his work life. Sure, he's working in the royal district and earned more than his cheap friends.

But being a security guard was as mundane as it could get.

Sometimes, Joras would curse his father for getting horny on that fateful day. If at least that old bastard controlled his libido, he wouldn't be stuck here.

'And that motherfucker incurred so much debt. I'm stuck here until my old age.' Joras gnashed his teeth.

All of a sudden, the world spun and something harsh fell on him. The familiar smell of the cleanly trimmed purple and bluegrass in front of the royal district caused him to realize that he was kicked and crashed to the ground.
