
Chapter 35

At the end of our meeting, Stark decided to ask:

— I'm more interested in what is this Tesseract? Where did Johann dig it up and in general, how did he find out about it? - it seems that he has read up to this artifact in his folder.

— As I understand it, the Tesseract is a powerful source of energy that draws it directly from the universe itself, but the information may be inaccurate, since it is at least six centuries old, because it was then that the first mentions of it appeared. According to legend, One of the Asgardians himself came down here, to Midgard, and gave this artifact for storage, but no one knows to whom and where. Somewhere in the thirties, Schmidt found out about him and began searching for him.

"How do you know so much, James?" Sarah asked me.

-It somehow turns out, — I forced a smile, — Well, I managed to find out about the Tesseract from him and I also started looking for it.

— Then why did the Hydra leader find this artifact, and not you?" the nurse arched an eyebrow.

- Um... - but really, why? — Most likely, this is due to the fact that the German then had more resources and his search progressed much faster than mine, and I did not know whether he really existed or not. I learned about the fact that Johann found the Tesseract after the fact, then it was too late to do anything.

- Okay, this has already happened, so let's think about how we can deprive Schmidt of his weapon? Any ideas? - Howard turned the topic to a more important one.

"Actually, I've been thinking about this for a long time," I began again, " I have almost all the Hydra bases under surveillance and almost all their spies are known in all countries.

"Then why —" Steve wanted to ask.

— Why didn't I give this information to the right people? - nod, - Just because they are being closely monitored and I somehow do not want to shine even more, because I am already known as the assistant of the famous Dr. Erskine, who invented the super-soldier serum. And after I release information about all the spies and Hydra bases, I can be targeted. No, I'm not afraid for myself, but…

"But they can take us along with you," Vika realized.

- Yes, - I confirm — - That's why recently I have been preparing for a full-scale assault on all the structures of Hydra in order to completely destroy them. But the problem is that I don't have enough people. No, they are slowly gaining. But this is still not enough.

"And that's why you want to free the prisoners," Stark nodded to his thoughts — " and not just from one place, but from all places where at least someone is being held.

— You're right, Howard, this is the original plan, but we will start with the main enterprise, which is located on one of the slopes of the Austrian Alps. Johann Schmidt, or as he is sometimes called "The Red Skull", settled there. Because of you, by the way, Abraham, or rather, because of the serum that he took. I added.

— I'm still ashamed of that incident — " the scientist shook his head.

"What about Bucky?" Steve cut in.

— So I didn't say that we wouldn't save him, — I was surprised.

— But we don't know where he is or if he's even alive, " he said.

- Oh, that's what you're talking about, - I say in a relaxed voice, - Look here — - I pointed to the screen, where just ten minutes ago my drone was able to detect the location of where the people from the one hundred and seventh were sent. It happened while we were having a conversation and no one but me noticed it.

"It's him!" the son exclaimed joyfully, " Barnes! Alive!

— And also the car with him is heading to exactly the place where I wanted to start — - I was grabbed in a bear hug — - Yes, yes, I am the most-the most and all that, - I grin.

After some more time, we were able to come up with a plan of action, according to which Steve and Victoria are destined for the role of rescuers, and I will need to capture the target, that is, the Tesseract. Well, you can still take Johann, but I doubt that he will voluntarily come with me. At this time, Stark and Erskine will coordinate us.

The only one who didn't get the role is Sarah. And it's not because I'm afraid for her. No, it is partly true, but that's not the reason. Just three people are enough for a diversion. And the girl herself was not eager to go anywhere, so she will be in reserve and if something happens — she will go. During this time, my sister and I have trained her well and I think that she will cope in such a situation.

The approximate goal is outlined, the roles are distributed, so it's time to prepare…

It took us three days to polish the plan and prepare it. After that, Stephen, Victoria and I flew on a private plane that Howard voluntarily borrowed. No, I have a couple of them myself, but this one was faster and also smaller. I managed the plane, as I know how. We did not fly straight, but bypassed and landed on the border with the Czech Republic.

The transport was hidden in one of the abandoned hangars that my drones found, so it will be difficult to find the plane. Then we crossed the border and entered Austria. There they changed their clothes, found a car and drove in the right direction. We had only a shield and a pistol with us from the weapons.

Steve had the shield, and Victoria had the gun. I thought that I myself was a kind of weapon, since I absorbed a considerable amount of energy before the flight, but without inflection, so as not to tear myself something. I also had additional storage facilities with nuclear, electrical and thermal energy in my backpack.

So it was possible not to take a nuclear one, because one of my blows with this energy invested in it can destroy an entire building, but... just in case, you never know... Ahem, yes, when I first absorbed it, one of my weak pokes pierced a fifty-millimeter titanium plate. And this is just a weak poke.

By the way, the shield that Steve took with him is also not so simple, because it is made of vibranium. This is the same metal that was found by a scientific expedition in Africa. Stark then bought it back and decided to check it out. It turned out that, compared to other metals, this one was stronger, harder. And the most important thing is that it is able to absorb kinetic energy, sound waves and other vibrations. Their effects only make this metal stronger.

When Howard handed it to Steve, I decided to test my claws on it and was only able to scratch it a little. At the same time, I made sure that my son would be safe with this shield. My confidence was due to the fact that I myself taught him to handle various types of cold weapons. Shields were also present there.

I also asked Howard why the shield. He replied that he proceeded from the character of my son. Yeah, and it didn't even work out to argue, because this argument was the most convincing for me, because the blonde really gives the impression of a shield that won't bend before anything.
