

The Confederation had used countless means to besiege the unassailable Edenshield. To get through those giant and indestructible walls, what had they not used? They tried to fly over them, break through them, sneak into them and of course- dig tunnels through the ground under them.

A considerable amount of tunnels had been dug under the city, some by the attackers for the sake of siege, some by the defenders to evacuate their citizens. After the wars were over, many were filled up, never to be seen again. And some- were left as they were.

In one of those underground tunnels, whose existence was unknown to even the ones dwelling just above it, a huge reptilian creature was sleeping.

It had greenish spiky scales, one that protruded from every part of its body. The only place devoid of them was the are where it should have been most prevalent- its back.
