
Chapter Twenty One: Crushing

Becca got to her room, unpacked the items in her suitcase and started arranging them the way she liked. When she was done, she took a quick shower to wash off all the sweat that form on her body while unpacking. After her shower, Becca sat on her bed and began scrolling through Instagram.

She was looking at the new feeds when her mind drifted back to the night Navaya dragged her to that club, to Leo Kane in particular and she could have sworn that she had seen him somewhere before but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

But on the other hand, she also doubted that she had seen him before because she would have definitely remembered if she had ever met a man as breathtaking as Leo Kane in the past. There was just something about him that stood out from all the people other people she had met before.

There was this dark sexy aura he exuded that she found very appealing and like a moth being attracted to light, she found herself being attracted to him or it might just be to his beauty. Either way, she was definitely attracted to something and thinking back to the day she struck the business deal with his company, she still couldn't help but feel shivers running down her spine when she remembered how intently Leo Kane was staring at her.

Like she was a delicious meal ready to be devoured and the look in his eyes, his beautiful dark blue eyes, was thrilling and a little erotic if you ask me.

Why was he even staring at her like that? He just agreed to sign the contract without bothering to read or even asking any questions about it. He was acting like he trusted her not to cheat him which was weird because it wasn't quite how she thought Leo Kane would behave. Though she had no intentions of cheating him, she still had expected him to get the contract reviewed by his personal lawyer before signing on it but the guy signed it just like that and gave her that smile of his that almost caused her a heart attack.

Doesn't the dude know how pretty he was? He really needs to stop smiling so sexily like or he's going to kill someone's daughter one of these days.

Leonardo Kane... God, even his name was hot.

She tried searching for his IG account and saw many random accounts but none of them were his. Then after thirty minutes of searching, she realized that he probably didn't have an IG account.

This made Becca sad for so reason, she had wanted to follow him on Instagram but he didn't even have an account and probably wasn't even on social media. Her mood immediately turned gloomy as she downheartedly dropped her phone on the table and laid on her bed facing the ceiling.

Why couldn't she get him out of her mind? Why was she even thinking about him? She had met a lot of good looking people in her life, so what made him different?

She asked herself all sorts of questions to know why she kept thinking about him but got no freaking answer. And even as she closed her eyes and tried to block out all thought relating to him, all she saw was Leo staring at her with those predator eyes of his.

Becca didn't even dare tell Navaya about what was happening to her because she knew her bestie would only make fun of her, saying that she was crushing on Leo Kane and not actually provide a real solution to the problem.

Becca wanted to believe that Leo was some sort of white witch that cast a spell on her to keep thinking of him but she knew that she would just be horribly lying to herself and the more Becca thought about him, the more her greatest fear was being confirmed. She was having her very first crush on a guy and that guy was Leo Kane.

Her cheeks burned even more at the thought of her crushing on Leo Kane as it felt all weird and new to her. Like why her? She didn't have time to be thinking about a guy that was probably enjoying himself with God knows how many women right now.

She had a company to run and didn't want to become some fine ass motherfucker's fan girl. Becca didn't even realize how deeply she was blushing as her cheeks were already looking like riped cherries until she heard a knock on her door before it was opened and her sister Kristina stepped in.

" Mom sent me to call you down for lunch," Kristina said, smiling sweetly at her little sister.

" Okay, I will be right there," Becca replied as hurriedly got off the bed and wore her home slippers but before she could reach the door Kristina stopped.

" Wait! Stop right there Becca, why are you so red?" Kristina asked with a teasing smile on her face.

" What do you mean red? Just because you have a more tanned skin than I do doesn't mean you can call me red. It's rude." Becca lectured, trying to cover up her blushing face with her hands.

" I meant why are you blushing so much, smartass? Wait! Don't tell me you watching porn just now and you are blushing from how intense it was." Kristina said with her pretty blue eyes widening to it's full size as she anticipated what Becca's response would be.

" What the hell are you even talking about? I don't watch porn and my phone was right there on the table when you came in. The room was just too hot for me."

Becca defended herself and denied all Kristina's crazy allegations.

" How can the room be too hot when your air conditioning unit is on the highest setting, huh? Perhaps you weren't watching porn but imagining it?" Kristina interrogated and Becca's eye balls almost popped out of their sockets. Kristina being the person that she was had the craziest imagination among the three of them and she always had the ability to come up with the weirdest conclusions.

" How the heck do you even imagine porn?" Becca asked feeling seriously confused and baffled by the words her own sister was telling her. Kristina saw the giant question mark appearing on Becca's forehead and then said;

" It's easy. When you have watched more than enough then you don't really need to watch it anymore. All you really to do is just sit and relive it like an old memory." Kristina explained and Becca blinked twice.

" And is this all from experience? how do you know so much, huh? ." Becca asked raising her brow questioningly at Kristina who just gave her a sheepish smile and folded her arms over her chest.

" I won't tell," Kristina said and Becca helplessly shook her head at her.

" You don't have to, the smile on your face told me everything already. Let's go eat, shall we?" Becca said as she gestured her to walk ahead and Kristina nodded with a bright smile.

" Yes, let's go on the quest to fill our empty stomachs!" Kristina exclaimed and hurried back to the dinning room while Becca just smile at how childish her sister behavior was. Even though she was one of the top models in the world and was almost twenty six years old, she still behaved the same way she did when she was ten.

Becca walked down the stairs and headed to the dinning area. When she got there, she saw everyone seated round the table munching on their foods and her eyes zeroed in on one person, deliberately ignoring the rest.

" Johnny!" Becca exclaimed happily and ran into her brother's embrace.

Becca was beyond delighted to see her brother here as she almost thought he wouldn't show up like last time but her father cut in before Johnny could even get a chance to say anything to her.

" Since we are all aware of the fact that Johnny is obviously your favorite and the rest of us practically become invisible to you when he is present, I just wanted to remind you that your father is sitting right here, very much alive and still breathing." Becca's father, Nathaniel Ramus, said with a half sullen half accusing expression on his face, making Johnny to release her from his embrace. Becca opened her mouth to respond to her father's words but Regina beat her to it.

" Nathan, don't tell me that you're jealous of your own son." Regina teased her husband while Becca sat on the chair Johnny had pulled out for her beside him and just simply watched the show.

" Like you aren't" Nathaniel argued and Regina shook her head.

" Of course not!" Regina quickly denied. " My kids and I have already welcomed each other in our own special way. Isn't that right children?" She asked her three children while secretly communicating to them to zip it with her eyes but frown when she heard them coughing and clearing their throats, hinting their father that she was actually lying.

Nathaniel laughed as he already understood what his children were trying to tell him.

" oh, I'm sure it must have been one heck of a welcome," Nathaniel said, knowing quite well how the woman he married behaved.

Regina wasn't always good at expressing her emotions to people and showing affection was something that seemed hard for her to do for some reason. If it wasnt for the birth of their beautiful children, Regina would still be as cold as ice but he loved her neither the less and also knew she loved him as well or else she wouldn't have stayed married to him for this long.

" Bunch of fucking snitches!" Regina gritted her teeth and feigned being offended even though she really wasn't. She just liked behaving petty around her children. Regina saw her husband grinning satisfyingly at her but chose to completely ignore him like he was nothing but the wind.

" So you finally stroke a deal with Trex corp, huh? How did the meeting go?" Johnny asked Becca with a little smile on his lips and she really didn't know whether she should be happy that her aloof brother was finally asking about her business or to be frustrated as his question only brought Leo Kane back to her mind after it had taken just a little break from thinking about him.

She wondered what wrong she had done in her past life to deserve such torture. Her mind wasn't hers anymore as he had already taken it and filled it with thoughts about him then it got her wondering what next Leo Kane would actually take from her.
