
Chapter 28: Oleander, Part 1

Stregoni was still trembling as he reached his room, and gave in to a pathetic urge to slam his door shut.

Gilles had been smiling - really smiling - at Carmilla.

He was used to being ignored when other people were around, but to see Gilles being so sweet and charming, smiling like he did it all the time... Why couldn't Stregoni have that?

Pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes, Stregoni willed all thoughts of the bastard away, scrubbing at his sore lips where Gilles had kissed him just to enrage him. There'd been no tenderness in it, just a...feverishness, and he was so very tired of trying to unravel the mystery that was Gilles and François.

Sighing, he removed his casual clothing and pulled out what he would need for a formal supper - which brought him right back to thoughts of Gilles and François.

Damn it.
