
Chapter 41: The Heart of Gold Challenge, Part 5

Standing, Eminence Dathaten placed a small, black velvet bag in his hands. "That is your token for completing the challenge." They picked up a small, sealed envelope. "If you will give this to Lord Montague, for me, I would appreciate it. Would you like to borrow a horse to return to the city?"

Rath tucked the bag into his jacket. "I appreciate the offer, Most Holy, but I've never ridden a horse in my life. Isn't helping me against the rules, anyway?"

"You've completed the challenge, and the time it takes you to return is irrelevant. As much walking and climbing as you've done, I would hate for you to have to walk back as well. Come on." Dathaten didn't give Rath a chance to reply, and simply moved around the desk and strode off, hurrying him along with a wave of a hand.
