
Neglected & Forgotten Pt. 1 (DC Universe)

A/N: Neglected & Forgotten was originally in 9 parts from June of 2018 to February of 2019. Compiling it now into a two-shot for ease of reading, but be warned that it does jump around a little bit between scenes. Hopefully that's not too jarring.

Summary: A look through Jason Todd's life as the forgotten Robin in a series of slightly disconnected scenes/vignettes. Commissioner describes this story as "bitter smut".

Themes: Rough Sex, Impetuous Sex, Bittersweet Smut


The location that the deal takes place in is already sleezy. But then, what abandoned warehouse wouldn't be an appropriate hot bed for criminal activity?

"You got the stuff?"

"Yeah, we got it. You got the money?"

"Shiiiit, Andrew, bring out that fucking suitcase already."

A young man does exactly that, rushing over to his boss. He holds up the suitcase and the older man reaches out and unclasps it, opening it up to show the stacks of cash inside. The other man, looking just as thuggish and criminal, nods slowly as his greedy eyes flit across the stacks. Then the briefcase is shut again, and he frowns a little, even as his counterpart grins.

"Now show me the goods."

There's a pause, as if everyone is expecting someone to double cross someone else in this moment. But then the pause passes and the man being addressed gestures to one of HIS people, who walks over and opens up the back of a beaten-up van. Inside are crates, and one such crate is pried open to show off rows of AR-15s within.

"C'mere, check these out. Top of the line shit, we stole it from a shipment meant for the Gotham PD just last week. Fuckers are trying to tech up on us, but now all they're doing is lining my pockets."

"And getting my men guns. Heh, very nice."

As the two men, now much more amicable with each other than they had been moments before, step towards the back of the open van, a shadow suddenly crosses over them, and a scream from elsewhere in the warehouse has everyone reacting at once.

"The fuck was that?"

"Shit, is it the Bat?"

There's a laugh, a young laugh at that, and then a brightly dressed kid, because even at his age there's no other way to describe him, swings through, his foot planting itself in the side of one of the men's heads.

"Even better! You lot have the distinguished pleasure of getting your asses kicked by none other than Robin, Boy Wonder!"

And then he's gone, just like that, disappearing into the shadows of the warehouse despite his red, green, and yellow costume.

"Damn it, it's not the Bat, it's the damn brat! Shoot him you fucks!"

Gunfire rings through the warehouse as goons and thugs alike try to bring down the young vigilante in their midst. He flits in and out of the shadows, but for a moment it looks like they're actually managing to keep him at bay with their suppression fire. That is, until a batarang slams into a thug's head from behind, knocking him out cold. Several more batarangs follow the first and the tables quickly turn against the criminals once again, as they figure out they're up against not one, but two vigilantes.

"Fuck, the Bat's here too! We've gott-urgk!"

The more vocal of the criminals is cut off as he finds himself prone on the ground, his gun spinning away, and a boot pressing down into his back. However, the voice he hears is neither that of a young male or the deep, guttural tone of Batman himself.

"You're right, I am here. Though I imagine you were probably expecting a different bat, weren't you?"

Batgirl grinds her heel into the bad guy's back, grinning viciously all the while. A moment later, a gunshot rings out and a bullet whizzes past her, shocking her into motion as she spins around, only to find Robin already bringing down the gunman who'd taken a shot at her. In point of fact, she realizes that the only reason the goon missed from less then ten feet away was because Robin had diverted the shot at the last second, a batarang in the man's wrist giving proof to that.

A moment later, the last of the criminals is down. A couple have fled, but the main two, the ones trying to deal in stolen Gotham PD guns, are down on the floor, tied up and ready for pick up. With the threat now gone, Robin plants his hands on his waist as he grins up at Batgirl, their small difference in height slightly more noticeable when he steps closer.

"Woo. Close one, eh Batgirl?"

"I… yeah, guess so. Nice save, Boy Wonder."

A cheerful laugh leaves the young vigilante's throat and he shrugs his shoulders before giving Batgirl a saucy wink.

"Anytime. And hey, if you ever reconsider, the top bunk's still available back in my room."

Rather than a cutting remark as was her usual response to his flirting, Batgirl just laughs and lifts her nose into the air… but it's clear that the red head's heart isn't fully in it this time. That gets a blink from Robin, and suddenly the whole moment feels awkward. Coughing, he rubs the back of his head and then gestures at his partner with his other hand.

"You uh, you want to call this in?"

Batgirl's eyes widen, and a moment later she's doing exactly that.


Robin frowns slightly, watching her for a moment longer. Still, it's not long before they're leaving the warehouse, the goons, and the guns behind as Gotham PD pulls up outside in force. After all, they ARE still vigilantes…


Jason can scarcely believe this is happening. They'd gotten away from the warehouse, they'd continued their patrol through the city, he'd kept up his flirting… but he'd not expected anything to come from it. Yet, here they were. Barbara had been acting strangely ever since he'd knocked that gun off course, but this was…

"Mm, mmm!"

At his insistence, the red head pulls back, still dressed in her bat-themed get up. But then, he's still dressed as Robin too. It just… it's hard for Jason to think in terms of their costumed identities when she's practically just kissed the ever-living fuck out of him.

"W-What… what was that, Bar-mmph!"

She cuts him off with another kiss, and then draws back a moment later, shaking her head.

"No names. Don't know who could be listening."

Jason's eyes are wide at that and he glances around the empty rooftop.

"Or watching!"

Here, Barbara, Batgirl, whatever the fuck she wants to call him, just smirks at his hissed words. Her hand slides down her front, and suddenly she's cupping his crotch as she leans in close, staring him right in his big blue eyes.

"Do you want this, Robin? Or not?"

Swallowing thickly, Jason can only give a shaky nod to that. Shit, what fifteen-year-old wouldn't say yes? Barbara's grin is wide, and the next thing he knows, they're kissing again as she runs her gloved hands all over his body. Things only escalate from there, and Jason finds himself touching Barbara right back, even as she starts to move UNDER his costume. He can't help but do the same. Parts of their costume come undone at that point, zippers pulled, and clasps unclasped.

Barbara abruptly falls to a crouch that puts her face to face with his crotch, and Jason has only one moment to question that before she has his cock out in her gloves hands, and his tip in her mouth.


He's at least aware enough not to say her name, but he can't stop the exclamation as she gets to work on his member. His length grows quickly in her mouth, and it's clear she can't take all of it. But then she doesn't need to. Her gloved hands work at the lower half of his shaft, all while she bobs her up and down the top part. It feels… it feels good. It feels fucking amazing, if he's being honest. His own hand, even with lotion, doesn't have anything on this.

"F-Fuck, I'm getting close!"

Immediately, Barbara stops. She even presses one of her gloved fingers against his cockhead as she abruptly stands.

"Nuh-uh. Not yet."

Jason can only stare, wide-eyed, as Barbara gives him a smirk behind her bat cowl. His impending climax slowly abates as they stand there for a few seconds in silence, and then she's guiding him over to a nearby air-conditioning unit by his cock, all but dragging him along with her. Not to say he's not happy to go. He wants so badly to cum… but if she's about to offer what he thinks, then he too doesn't want it to end with just her mouth.

Sure enough, the red head lets go of his cock and turns away from him. Putting one knee up on top of the stout air-conditioning unit, the young woman known to Gotham's night life as Batgirl looks back over her shoulder at him, even as she unzips the crotch of her suit, and exposes her naked, wet pussy. Biting her lower lip, she uses two of her gloved fingers to spread herself open.

"G-Go on, hero… you saved the damsel. Now take your reward."

Jason's breath hitches at that. This was because he'd stopped that one guy from shooting at her? Shit, maybe… fuck, he couldn't really stop himself. Even if it felt slightly wrong, even if it felt a little impetuous… Jason WAS impetuous. He was the perfect age to be as impetuous as he fucking wanted. Moving forward, the young man places one hand on Barbara's costume-clad ass, before guiding his cock to her waiting cunt lips with his other.

The moment that his dickhead touches Barbara's mound, he has to hold himself back all over again. Still, knowing now that his release is the end of their fun together, Jason finds it within himself to hold back. He might be young, he might be impetuous… but he was also Robin. He knew a little something about discipline, even if this particular arena wasn't one he had any true experience in.

But then, neither did Barbara, as he quickly found out. Not realizing he needed to watch out for it, Jason thrusts forward into the admittedly wet hole before him. In the same moment, he ends up taking Barbara's virginity, prompting a cry from the beautiful red head as she arches her back from the sensation. Jason immediately stops, but Barbara quickly looks back, her eyes clearly watering from behind her bat cowl.

"G-Go on… keep going."

Flushing with embarrassment beneath his own mask, Jason does exactly that. It… it feels good, though it's also a little awkward. Neither is entirely sure what they're doing, and Jason finds himself alternating between what he believes is too fast and too slow half the time. Still, he's a quick learner, and he soon finds the right pace to draw delicious, surprising moans from one Barbara Gordon's lips. He's never heard such sounds from the badass Batgirl before… and he absolutely adores them, as he fucks her from behind at a pace that seems to work perfectly for her.

All the while, he holds back what he knows to be his impending release. He wants to, NEEDS to make this special. It's only when Barbara lets out a particularly loud cry, followed by a strange slick feeling inside of her passage as it clings to him all the harder that Jason isn't able to hold back anymore. He cums inside of the red head, only realizing belatedly that he's doing so without protection.

As his seed pumps into her, he isn't thinking about that though. Not until the pleasurable fog clears from his thoughts and he's able to think with his upper head once more. Realizing what he's done, Jason pulls out of Barbara as she comes down from her own pleasure high, blushing and stammering his apology. But the young woman known as Batgirl turns and silences him with a finger on his lips and a smile on hers.

"It's okay Jason… I'm on the pill. I… Batman made sure of it."

For a moment, Jason is confused. Then he realizes just why their mentor would want his female protégé, a young woman who went out and fought against the scum of the earth, to be protected against unwanted pregnancy. Barbara's smile takes on a sad tinge as she sees his understanding, and the moment between the two of them ends with them fixing their costumes. Not another word of what's happened is spoken, even as they return to a patrol that ends soon after.


Despite the macabre ending to his first time, Jason can't deny that he enjoyed it. And he's pretty sure Barbara did too. So, when the next night arrives and they're getting ready to patrol together again, he finds himself trying to figure out how to broach the subject with the slightly older girl. In the end, he figures it might be best saved for the end of patrol.

Of course, that results in him never getting the chance.

"Hey Babs, you want to ride with me tonight? Things are getting a bit hectic along my usual route, I could use the back up."

"Really Dick? Sure, I'm game! You don't mind, right Jason?"

"Uh, n-no?"

"Great, talk to you later!"

And just like that, in what feels like a few seconds, Jason finds himself alone in the Batcave as Dick Grayson, also known as Nightwing, rides off with Barbara on the back of his motorcycle. For a moment, Jason stares after them, wondering how he just let that happen. Then, he catches a glimpse of himself in a nearby monitor, looking into his blue-eyed reflection for a moment.

Letting out a low sigh, the young man presses the power button, and his reflection disappears as the monitor turns on, allowing him to get to work.


Three years later, Jason Todd was no longer the fifteen-year-old kid that had lost his virginity to Barbara, to Batgirl. Too much had happened since then. He'd died, for one. Laying on the hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling in silence, Jason contemplates life and death and everything in between. The memory of his death still lingers, even now. It hadn't been a good one. Hadn't been an easy one.

To die at the hands of the Joker, to go out as one of that mad man's trophy kills… he would have preferred any other end, if he's being honest. Hell, he would have been happy with pretty much any other rogue in Gotham being the one to do him in. But no, it'd been the Joker, ultimately. The crazy clown had always known Batman best, had always been able to get to the heart of the caped crusader's weakness.

Or had he? It was clear now, with years of hindsight behind him, that the Joker had miscalculated. If the clown had thought Jason's death would push Bruce over some edge, or that Batman would avenge his Robin… he'd been wrong. So had Jason, to be fair. He'd thought he was more than that. He'd thought he meant more to Bruce than that.

But no. He hadn't been avenged. Joker hadn't paid for what he'd done with his life. Bruce had shrugged off Jason's death like it was nothing and gone back to the same damn cycle of catch and release that he'd been engaging in with his rogue's gallery for far too fucking long. It was ridiculous. It was absolutely ludicrous. But most of all, it was heartbreaking that Jason had to be resurrected by Batman's enemies rather than the man himself.

Brought back by the Lazarus Pit, the young man had been sent to train almost immediately in the same hells on earth that Bruce himself had once traveled to. With funding that came from those who gave him a second chance at life, Jason had followed Bruce's path and learned what the pathetic Batman wouldn't. He'd learned to kill. He'd trained in it, in fact, and he now reveled in it, especially when the kill was black of heart.

There were so many men in the world who needed killing. Jason knew that now, he knew that Bruce had been wrong, would always BE wrong. There was no reasoning with the Batman. The caped crusader was too weak to do what needed to be done. But Jason wasn't. And as soon as his contact arrived, he would finally have what he needed to begin.

It was- a knock on the door tears Jason from his thoughts. The muscular eighteen-year-old is up and across the hotel room in half a moment and opening the door in the next. Talia al Ghul pushes past him, tears in her eyes and her lips thinned out as she carries a briefcase into the room. Closing and locking the door behind her, Jason furrows his brow as he watches her for a moment.

"Talia… what is it?"

They weren't overly close, but out of everyone he'd grown to known since returning to life, Talia was who he was closest with. He wouldn't call them friends though. Their relationship was a lot less equal than that, and a lot more complicated. Setting down the briefcase on the bed, Talia turns back to Jason just as he stops a foot away from her. She stares at him for a moment, and then reaches up and runs a palm across his face.

"He's… he's gone, Jason. Ra's al Ghul is no more."

Jason just stands there for a moment, not sure how to respond to that. Talia's eyes are still watery, but the tears never fall as her face twists into something vicious and dark.

"It was the Batman's doing. He brought it about. Punish him, Jason. Show him how flawed his way is, how wrong he's always been. Destroy him. For all of us."

Jason feels a strange sort of emotion well up within him. Before he knows it, he has his hands on Talia's arms and he's looking into her eyes. He measures his words carefully, only speaking when he's found the right ones.

"I'm going to kill the Joker, Talia. I won't let that clown live another moment. And as for the others… I'll be better than the Batman, I promise you. I'll be the justice that Gotham deserves."

Talia pauses for a moment, and then turns back to grab the briefcase off the bed. She hands it to him, while at the same time leaning in ever closer. Her voice is merely a whisper, as he takes hold of what she's brought for him, clutching it so tightly his knuckles go white.

"Make him pay for not avenging you, Jason. He's hid from his failures for far too long."

Then, she does something unexpected. She leans in and kisses him. The mood in the air is right for it, to be fair. Jason hadn't realized it at first, but as she kisses him, he finds himself wanting more all the same. Talia feels surprised as well, especially when he drops the briefcase to the ground and moves his hands onto her hips instead. Did she only intend the one kiss? Did she intend to pull back and walk away after just a moment?

Whatever her original intentions, they scarcely matter because the next thing either of them knows, they're on the bed, their lips smashed together and their hands moving over one another's bodies with a sense of urgency. Jason's only wearing a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, while Talia is dressed in a tank top and some jeans.

But in the end, none of that matters because they're both quite insistent on getting the other naked regardless. There's no words exchanged between the two of them as they strip one another down. Jason doesn't comment on the beautiful supple shape of Talia's breasts as they pop free of her bra and he tosses it off the bed. Talia doesn't say a word about his throbbing, lengthy prick, even as she takes it in her hands, stroking it needily while their tongues dance with one another between their mouths.

There's no need for talking at this point. No need for verbal communication. Theirs is a communication of a different sort, and it always has been. Physical communication usually meant the language of violence for people like them, but violence was just an intimacy of a different sort, at the end of the day. It's not long before Jason ends up on his back and Talia ends up impaled on his cock.

She presses her hands to his pecs as she rides him, and they look at one another, lost in each other's eyes. His fingers dig into her hips painfully, and she hisses as she claws at his chest. She might be older than him, but Jason isn't inclined to sit idle. If there's one thing that being reborn in the Lazarus Pit has done to him, it's give him a sort of frantic energy. He doesn't really consider the anger to be a byproduct of his resurrection because he's been angry all his life. All coming back did was show him why he didn't have to hold back that anger anymore, like Bruce… Batman had always tried to force him to do.

He's not mad at Talia though… he's just very aroused. Thrusting upwards into her from below, he turns the older woman's riding of his cock into her trying to stay onboard as he bucks like a damn bronco. His member fills her insides, reaching untouched places, and she cries out from the passion he's showing her, her head tilting back and her breasts jutting out towards him as they bounce and jiggle just a bit.

She's perfection, as far as Jason's concerned. Not that he ever got to see all of Barbara naked, but Talia is just so much more woman than the red head ever could be. It was probably unfair to even try to compare them, but Jason only had the one previous sexual experience to draw on. He'd been too busy learning other things these last couple years to get his dick wet in any more women.

But this? This felt right. Talia's cunt felt amazing wrapped around his cock, and as she bounced up and down on his length, Jason felt the lust rising in his chest, right alongside the need to take control, the desire to be dominant. A moment later, and it's he who's on top as Talia ends up pinned below him. If she's upset by this, she doesn't show it. Instead, Talia al Ghul takes things in stride, wrapping her limbs around him, holding him close as he thrusts into her clenching, squeezing cunt time and time again.

Her ankles lock together as she wraps her flexible legs around his waist, and her arms go around his neck as she draws him into another deep, passionate, tongue-filled kiss. His chest rubs against her breasts with every thrust, and she moans into his mouth from the pleasure he's giving her. The sex is… phenomenal and Jason has never been more satisfied by the time he finally unloads inside of Talia's cunt, filling her with a nice thick helping of his seed.

He doesn't know how long they go at it for, because the first load is by far not the last. All he knows for sure is that by the time the two of them are done with one another, neither is looking to leave the hotel room that night. Instead, Talia ends up asleep on his chest, and Jason drifts off soon after her with his arm around her feminine form.

And for that moment… everything is perfect.


The next morning, Jason wakes up alone. He knows he shouldn't be surprised, but he still is as he realizes that Talia slipped away without him so much as noticing. It only went to show how far apart they still were in skill level, he supposed. Though, he imagined he was stronger than her by this point, even if she was obviously still more skilled at subtlety and stealth.

It didn't matter, in the end. The fact was, she was gone. And ultimately, all she left behind was a note. Jason found it on the nightstand beside the bed, and while it had a few lines of text about this or that thing, as well as a couple quotes from her father to help 'guide Jason's path', it was really only the last line of the note that jumped out at him and grabbed his attention.

Everything I've done, I did for love. Goodbye Jason.

He stares at that final line of the note for probably too long. Eventually though, he manages to set the piece of paper aside, willing his clenched fingers to open and let the note drift down forgotten onto the bed. Then, he stands up and moves with purpose over to the briefcase that had been so easily discarded and forgotten the night before.

Inside was all he would need to do what he had to do in Gotham, or so he'd been told. Lifting the briefcase up, he carries it over to a table and sets it down, undoing the clasps and opening the thing a moment later. For a second, he just stares at what he's been gifted to begin his crusade for justice back in the city he died in. He stares… and then he lets out a soft chuckle as he reaches out and takes hold of the red helmet within the briefcase.

There's no second note here, of course. No nothing, save for the hood. A mask, of course. But hood is a more accurate descriptor for what he's got in his hand now. Slowly, he steps away from the empty open briefcase and sits back down on the bed. He looks at the red hood in his hands for a moment, and then sets about putting it on.

When it's properly over his head, it seals around his neck. Looking up, Jason finds himself staring into a mirror. Every hotel room seemed to have mirrors in their main rooms for some reason. So what, the people using them for their affairs or their whores or their clandestine dealings could stare at themselves and acknowledge what they were doing?

Heh. Jason tended to avoid looking in mirrors since his resurrection. He didn't always like the reminder that he saw there. But now, with his face covered and his shining green eyes hidden behind white lens, it didn't hurt as much. All he saw was red… and that was just fine by his standards. It gave him a name too, a name for this new identity he would be using to bring justice to Gotham.

It's fitting in a way, that this is how he would return to Gotham. His resurrection would bring about the resurrection of another entity at the same time. And given that the last time the Red Hood Gang had been in operation, the Joker was the man beneath the hood… it was even poetic as well. Half the people in Gotham, Batman included, seemed inclined to use their past as a weapon to bludgeon others over the head with.

Jason would have to show them how it was done.


"Hehehe~ Batsy, batsy… won't you come out to play? You're being even more broody and mysterious than usual, Bats! Don't ya wanna have your fun with me before Mistah J shows up? He's coming for me, ya know. My snookums will always come for me!"

Watching her from the shadows, Jason has to suppress the anger that rises within him at even a simple mention of the Joker. Of course, beneath the Red Hood, he's already simmering with barely contained rage. He wants to let it loose, he wants to hurt and hurt and hurt until HE doesn't hurt anymore… but Harley Quinn isn't the one to take all of his fury out on. No, she's just the key to it all.

Still, he's left his prey waiting long enough. Harley sits in the middle of the abandoned warehouse, tied to a chair with the warehouse's sole working spotlight shining down on her. Classic interrogation technique, designed to make the perp feel helpless, alone… surrounded by the darkness that the Bat Family made their home. But Harley wasn't any ordinary perp, and Batman's old interrogation lessons were unlikely to be of much help to Jason here.

No… he had to do things his way. And that meant treating Harley Quinn as a criminal first, and a woman second.

"Batman isn't here, Ms. Quinn. He's not going to be here… and the Joker isn't coming."

As he steps out of the shadows, revealing himself to Harley, the female clown's eyes go wide as she stares at him for a moment in absolute shock. But then, the last person to don the Red Hood was…

"Mistah J?"

For a second, it's as if Harley actually believes her 'snookums' might have decided to fuck with her somehow. But Jason just shakes his head no, causing her slight hope at this being some sort of sick roleplay fantasy to die at the root. Her face twists in hatred and anger then as she bares her teeth and snarls at Jason… or more accurately, at the Red Hood.

"That doesn't belong to you! You're messin' with things ya don't undastand! Mistah J will make ya sorry if ya don't-gah!"

It takes two more steps, now that he's stepped under the light swinging above, to reach Harley and backhand her across the face. Not hard enough to topple over her chair, but hard enough to turn her head and shut her up for a moment.

"The Joker thinks Batman has you. It'll be a while before he realizes that he's been tricked. And until then, you're all mine. You might want to keep that in mind, Harley."

He's keeping his tone measured, forcibly so. Calm… he has to remain calm. But maybe that's not the right tact to take with the mentally unstable woman before him, because the next thing he knows, Harley is giggling again.

"Hee-hee… all yours, you say? Ya got a bit of a bite to ya, Hood. Not as hard as my pudding smacks me, but it'll bruise by morning all the same. Mistah J won't like that. He won't like that one bit. I'll enjoy my punishment… ya think you'll enjoy yours?"

He was playing into her games. It was time to stop that and refocus this conversation.

"You're going to tell me all I want to know about your 'snookums', Harley. You're going to tell me all about Joker's hideouts, his safe houses, his storage facilities. You're going to tell me everything."

"And what makes ya think I'd do a thing like that?"

Gritting his teeth, Jason curls his hands into fists.

"Because if you don't… I'll make you."

That just gets another laugh, but he cuts it off with a punch to her gut that leaves Harley winded and gasping for air. After that, he begins to ask his questions. But unlike at the start, Harley Quinn becomes a lot less talkative when he ignores her goading and focuses instead on his questions. Eventually, she clams up altogether, save for grunts whenever he hits her in a new spot.

He doesn't break bone. He could, certainly… but even if he's supposed to see Harley as a criminal first and a woman second, it's hard to go that far. And something tells Jason that escalating to broken bones won't do him any better than the carefully calculated beating he's given the female clown so far. But that doesn't do much for his simmering rage. The more Harley stays quiet, the louder Jason gets.

He loses his calm, his cool, his façade. He grows angry, even after telling himself he wouldn't. And in the end, as Harley sits there in silence, her head bowed and her breath coming low and even as he stands over her with nothing to show for the interrogation… Jason loses it, just a bit. His hand comes up and tears the Red Hood that Talia gave him off his head. He's still wearing a domino mask beneath it of course, more by habit than anything else, but that doesn't stop Harley's eyes from widening when she glances up at the sudden sound.


Jason's hands close around Harley's throat as spittle lands across her face from his mouth. He doesn't even mean to spit on her, it just comes out as he rages at her shocked visage. Its clear she recognizes him immediately. But then, Jason hasn't changed as much as he might have liked since the last they… saw each other. He's grown up, yeah… but that's about it.

As his thumbs push into her windpipe, threatening to crush it, Harley opens her mouth but can't form the words. She chokes instead, but then of course she does. He's choking her. Realizing his loss of control, a moment later, Jason rips Harley from the chair and tosses her to the floor, dropping her there as he pants heavily, still standing over her now, but all the more unsure. His emotions were in turmoil, complete and utter turmoil. And he didn't know what to do next.


Harley slowly looks up at him, and Jason finds himself shocked by the pity he sees in the mad woman's eyes. And then she speaks, the words coming out in a croak, and he goes stock still for a moment as he processes them.

"I'm s-sorry… Robin."

She's sorry. And the worst part is, Jason believes her. Maybe that's why he snaps and does what he does next. To have a woman like Harley Quinn apologizing… it's a step too far. With an inhuman snarl, Jason reaches out and grabs Harley by one of her painted pigtails. At the same time, his other hand moves with a frenzied pace as he draws his cock from his boxers and his pants, ultimately shoving it into her face.

Harley cries out from him pulling on her hair, just as Jason knew she would, and the next thing they both know, he's fucking her mouth. More than that, he's fucking her throat as he brutally pistons in and out of her face hole, both of his hands in her hair now, each holding onto a painted pigtail.

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

Harley chokes on his cock, gagging spectacularly as her eyes almost immediately begin to water from the savage treatment, drool and saliva flowing off of her bright red lower lip. She stares up at him all the while, and even places her hands on the front of his legs… but not to push away. No, if anything, Harley is completely and utterly nonresistant as he face fucks her with all his might.

And that just makes him angrier. He tore her out of her bindings, he's given her an obvious opening to wound him grievously and escape. And she… she's not taking it. No, instead she's taking his cock down her throat at Mach speeds as he rapes her mouth right there in the middle of the warehouse, all rage and intense hatred. But is it hatred at her… or himself?

It doesn't matter. Jason isn't going to stop. If he can't use her to hurt the Joker directly, he'll use her to hurt him indirectly. At least, that's how his frenzied, broken mind rationalizes his actions as involuntary tears run down Harley's face, the greasepaint she uses running more and more from his brutality. But it's not enough. Or maybe he just doesn't want to see Harley's eyes anymore.

Snarling, Jason tears his cock out of the female villain's mouth, and slams her face first into the ground, going down with her as he kneels behind her, pinning her body to the concrete floor of the warehouse.


Harley's voice is even softer, even raspier than it was before, as she once again says that word. That hated word. Gritting his teeth, Jason uses his grip on her hair to grind her face against the concrete.

"Don't… call me that!"

She whimpers, but he's already grabbing the back of her leather black and red pants. His fingers curl into her belt and the waistband of her leggings, and a moment later he tears it all away, revealing her pasty-white behind to his eyes. She really did have a fine ass, but then she had a fine body all around. The Joker didn't deserve a woman like Harleen Quinzel, but then of course he didn't. That was why he'd had to go and make Harley, taking a promising psychiatrist and corrupting her, morphing her into a mad woman.

This runs through Jason's mind, but it doesn't stop him from angling his saliva-covered cock down between Harley's trapped legs, past her thighs… and into her cunt. The female villain squeals as he penetrates her. She squirms and even starts to fight back a little.

"N-No! That's only fer M-Mistah J!"

"Shut UP!"

He didn't want to be reminded of the Joker. He didn't need to hear her reverence when she spoke of the man who'd KILLED him. Roaring, Jason slams Harley's face into the concrete a few more times until she stops trying to protest. He doesn't break her nose, but just barely. She's definitely going to have more bruises than just beneath her costume in the morning.

At that moment, Jason doesn't care. In fact, he could care less. All that matters is taking what belongs to the Joker and making it HIS. So, he fucks Harley. He fucks her long and hard, even as she kicks and squirms and whines beneath him. Her prone form is helpless to fight him off, even when she tries to get her hands up under her at one point, leading to him grabbing at her wrists and dragging her arms behind her back.

Her small, feminine wrists fit easily in just one of his hands as he holds her there, as well as holding her by her hair. Jason snarls as he leans over her, and more of his spittle lands on the back of Harley's head, the nape of her neck, even her earlobes.

He fucks her, as he stares at the nape of her neck for a moment. And then, acting purely on instinct, he leans in and bites her on the shoulder, HARD. Harley screams as his teeth sink into her flesh. Not quite enough to draw blood, though his canines leave little pinpricks behind. But he definitely leaves his mark in the female clown's flesh, just like he's leaving his mark in her cunt, stretching her tight passage around his pistoning, thrusting cock.

She's too tight for him to last forever. And her throat was pleasurable too, as she choked and gagged on his shaft, causing her esophagus to spasm and clench down around his pistoning prick all the while. With a roar of primal triumph and pure fury, Jason slams home into Harley one last time and then begins to cum, tilting his head back and howling his satisfaction as he paints her insides as white as the rest of her.

Only after he's cum, only after he finally thinks to pull out does Jason's mind truly return to him. Only as he releases a softly crying Harley's arms from behind her back and stand up to look down at her does Jason see exactly what he's done. Harley Quinn lays there, face down. The crotch of her leggings is torn away, revealing her ass, which is now red from how rough he was. His seed is already leaking out of her cunt.

But most of all… now that the deed is done, Harley doesn't fight back. She just cries, lying there on the ground. However, it's when she finally looks back at him that he finally cuts and runs. Because those her eyes are filled with tears, the moment that gaze falls upon him, Jason knows she's not truly crying for herself. He sees the fragments of Dr. Harleen Quinzel the psychiatrist looking back at him, pitying him with her sad eyes. Even after all he'd just done to her, all the violence he'd just committed on her body.

He'd refrained from breaking her bones because she was a woman. And then he'd done the worst possible thing a man could do to a woman all the same. So, Jason runs. Like some common criminal, like the rapist he is, Jason runs from the scene of the crime, only stooping long enough to pick up the Red Hood, the helmet feeling heavy in his hands as he escapes the warehouse and sprints off down the darkened streets.

No one chases him. Harley doesn't call after him. There's no Batman to bring him down, no police sirens to hunt him. It feels like there should be. It feels like he should be stopped, like he should be in jail. As he flees his own actions, Jason catches sight of himself in the reflection of a window he's passing by. He falters then, slowing to a stop as he stares at himself for a moment.

There's white greasepaint splattered all over his mouth and chin, and he's staring at his own bloodshot, wide green eyes through the domino mask that barely covers his features. He stares… and then he snarls, reacting with violence as was becoming more and more the norm for him these days. The metal Red Hood comes up in his hand and slams into the window before him, shattering it and immediately causing an alarm to go off that sees Jason running off again, his emotions raging through him.

He wasn't. He wasn't becoming HIM. He was here to stop HIM. He was GOING to stop him. And nothing, no one… would stand in his way. Not even himself.


As Starfire rises from the shallows and begins to walk towards them, Roy Harper lets out a low whistle from Jason's side.

"Damn that's one fine woman."

Chuckling lightly, Jason Todd simply sips from his drink, even as he sits back on his lounge chair, as content as can be.

"That she is."

"You uh… you ain't worried that she'll find out about you and her ex?"

Jason glances over at his fellow Outlaw and lifts an eyebrow.

"Don't beat around the bush now, Roy. You talking about all the times I tried to kill him, or the times he tried to put me in prison for life?"


Jason lets his friend and comrade off the hook after a moment longer, laughing as he waves dismissively.

"Don't worry about it. It's a non-issue, man."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Roy just nods.

"Right. Non-issue. Got it."

By that time, Starfire has made it to where they're both chillaxing on the beach. Her gorgeous alien body is practically on full display as she stands before them, her hands on her hips with one hip cocked out. The Tamarian looks absolutely stunning, as she always does, but there's definitely something added to her usual beauty via the water that clings to her wet form even now.

"So then, are we to have sex now?"

Roy chokes on his drink, even as Jason laughs. Yep, that's the Starfire he's come to know and love. As Roy struggles to catch his breath, Jason pats the other man on the shoulder and rises from his seat.

"The offer's for both of us by the way, buddy."

And just like that, Roy is choking yet again, this time on air. Doesn't stop him from hastily getting up the moment that he sees Jason pulling his cock out of his shorts and Starfire descending to her knees in the sand to place herself at eye level with said phallus. Roy swallows as he hurries to stand beside his friend and before their alien teammate, glancing between Starfire and Jason in stupefaction for a moment, though that doesn't stop him from pulling his own dick out when Starfire reaches over and rubs the front of his beach shorts with an orange hand.

"I uh… thought you guys were exclusive."

Jason scoffs at that, but its Starfire who answers, even as she takes hold of each of their lengths with each of her hands, stroking them up and down quite skillfully.

"Absurd. I am free to be with whoever I so choose. Jason is quite the skilled lover… I wonder if you're capable of the same, Roy."

The Tamarian Princess' bluntness helps Roy accept the situation at hand better than anything else, at least in Jason's humble opinion. The dark-haired young man watches on with a smile as his male team mate swallows thickly and then nods down at his female team mates. The three Outlaws are quite close… but this WILL be the first time they've ever gotten THIS close.

"Yeah… yeah, I am. Just you w-wait and see."

Starfire grins at that, and then moves in on Roy's cock with her mouth before the young man has a chance to react. He's groaning as she does that thing with her tongue that drives Jason absolutely wild, her lips suctioning down around Roy's cockhead at the same time. Jason watches on, envious and aroused, but he's still getting a handy from the Tamarian as well, so he really doesn't have too much room to complain.

And of course, Starfire isn't the kind of girl to let anyone go without for too long. As Roy's tilting his head back and groaning louder and louder, the Tamarian slips his cock out of her mouth with a pop, probably right as he's getting close to the edge, if his whine is any indication. Jason just snickers, even as Starfire's attention turns to him, her green eyes flicking up to his face as she swallows the head of his shaft next.

This continues for some time, her head bobbing up and down their members, back and forth as she sucks them off. She's quite good at what she does, and quite good at telling when either of them is getting close. The Tamarian Princess might be on her knees before her two teammates, but it's she who's in control here, and all three of them know it. By switching off between them, she extends the time of the double blowjob along quite a while, until eventually, neither young man can take it anymore.

As they both reach their first release at around the same time, Starfire draws away from them and tilts her head back, opening her mouth wide and lolling her tongue out from between her lips. This ready-and-waiting expression, along with her smooth orange hands sliding up and down their saliva-covered shafts all the faster, is more than enough to bring the two boys off.

Jason and Roy groan in unison as they cum all over Starfire's face and breasts. Their seed splatters across her orange skin, sliding off her cheeks and her chin and down her neck onto her chest. It slips into her cleavage as well, moving beneath her bikini top as she basks in the cum shower she's just received. Much of it lands in her mouth, specifically on her tongue, and Starfire makes a show of collecting it all and showing it to the young men, before she finally swallows it all.

Licking her lips and smirking up at her teammates through the cum covering her features, Starfire slowly rises from her knees… though her hands remain on their cocks.

"Delicious as ever, Jason. And not too bad, Roy. Now we will move on to sex, yes?"

Moving between them, she turns them both with her, her hold on their cocks making them follow her with their bodies. Then, she lets go of their lengths and settles onto one of the lounge chairs, crawling atop it and grabbing the back of it. Looking back over her shoulder, the cum-covered Tamarian reaches back and tugs her bikini bottoms out of the way, shaking her shapely orange ass back at the two men staring at her.

"Well? Who shall go first, hm?"

For a moment, Jason and Roy continue to stare. Yes, Jason has seen this all before, but that makes it no less appealing, and no less awe-inspiring. Starfire is one of a kind, there's no doubt about that. When Roy finally tears his gaze off of Starfire's waiting pussy long enough to look at Jason, the words that come out of the other man's mouth cause him to laugh.

"Uh… rock paper scissors for it?"

Jason just chuckles, shaking his head and giving Roy a hearty smack on the back.

"Nah man. You go ahead. I'll get my kicks my own way."

Roy gapes at that, clearly not getting why Jason would pass up the chance. But he's also not about to question his teammate, and within moments, he's behind Starfire, crouching down on either side of the lounge chair so he can lever his still-hard dick at her waiting cunt. She licks her lips in anticipation, and then moans as Roy slides into her.

"Ah, just like that Roy… give it to me. Nice and thick, mm, just like Jason."

Jason had noticed that too, the fact that he and Roy were comparable in size. No need for a measuring contest, he didn't feel THAT way about his friend and comrade. But sharing a hot alien chick with very loose 'morals' with the man? Oh hell yeah, Jason was definitely game for that. And it seemed Roy was too, if the way he began to take control of the situation was any indication. Once he was inside of the tight Tamarian's hot, velvety cunt, it looked like Roy just couldn't control himself anymore.

The entire lounge chair was rocking with his thrusts as Jason walked around it. Roy had his hands on Starfire's hips now, and he was slamming home into her cunt time and time again, even as the Tamarian Princess moaned louder and louder. Right up until Jason took hold of her hair, of course. Starfire's heavily lidded eyes fly open as she finds his cock in front of her mouth again. Her green, glowing gaze slides up to meet his smirk, even as he presses the tip of his shaft into her lips.

When she opens up without resistance, allowing him to slide his dick deeper and deeper into her mouth, Jason just chuckles.

"You enjoy teasing us like that, Star? Or do you just enjoy what comes next, after you frustrate two horny young men for so long?"

Her response is incomprehensible of course, but her moan around his cock is certainly recognizable. Jason just smirks, meeting Roy's eyes over Starfire's body and giving the other man a nod. Then, he begins to fuck the Tamarian's face, right then and there.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Roy watches for a moment in surprise at the rough treatment, but when Starfire doesn't bring out the fire hands or any other form of resistance, he realizes what's going on and begins to give it to the orange-skinned bodacious alien just as roughly. The two of them spit-roast Starfire between them, fucking her as hard as they both can. Considering their lives, considering just how fit and toned and muscled both young men are, that's pretty damn hard.

But Starfire is no slouch either. She can take it, and she does, climaxing multiple times as she's fucked from both ends quite roughly. In the end, her throat spasms and clenches down on Jason's dick until she milks his load from him, just like he has no doubt her pussy does with Roy. The two male Outlaws fill their female team mate to the bring with jizz at around the same time once again, their releases synchronized by their mutual enjoyment of Starfire's absolutely delicious body.

Ah, but all good things have to come to an end. They fuck around some more after the spit-roast, Starfire cleaning off their dicks and then demanding a DP that results in Jason fucking her cunt and Roy taking her ass for the first time. But ultimately, in the end, Jason finds himself lounging back once more, even as Roy and Starfire fix up their respectively swimsuits in preparation to leave.

"You sure you don't want to come man? If we both bring ya, no one's going to say shit."

Starfire nods alongside Roy, a small frown on her face. She once again has her hands planted on her hips, but this time it's not for the purposes of seduction, but more to try to convey her irritation at his response to their invite. But hey, Jason was never a Titan, so he doesn't really see a point in going to a Titans reunion with Roy and Starfire, at the end of the day. Not when it was likely to cause so much trouble.

Chuckling morosely, Jason just shakes his head and waves the two off.

"Nah. I was never a member. And c'mon, as great as us three are together, the rest of those guys are way more buddy-buddy with Dickhead and the Replacement then they are with me. I doubt they'd be very welcome, not after I beat the piss out of their friends more than once."

Roy and Starfire exchange one last glance, but Jason can already tell he's won the conversation, and thus ended the confrontation. In the end, Roy just lets out a sigh and shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess… if you're sure man."

"I am."

Jason's tone is clipped and short, brooking no further argument. Starfire steps up and slips her hand into Roy's, their fingers noticeably intertwining as she begins to pull him away.

"Come then, Roy. We have somewhere to be."

The Tamarian doesn't so much as look back at Jason as the pair walk away, leaving him alone on the suddenly quiet beach. Roy does, but Jason pretends he doesn't see it, focusing instead on the ocean and the spot where beautiful blue sky meets beautiful blue water, far off in the distance. Soon enough, the pair is completely gone, and Jason finds himself reaching for his phone, though what he intends to do with it, he knows not.

In his moment of indecision, the young man sees his reflection in the darkened phone's surface. Sad blue eyes filled with loneliness stare back at him, causing him to grit his teeth as he swipes the smartphone open and begins to look for anything at all to distract him from his sudden bout of misery.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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