
Chapter 604: The Hound of Pure Evil (2)

"Elders, it has been a long time. It is a pleasure to finally meet all of you face to face."

7 seats, 6 elders, and 1 queen. The dome once again changed its interiors, shifting into a circular auditorium with a wide podium at the very center where the main characters of the hearing stood—Riley Ross.

Aerith was beside him; her eyes like a hawk as she tried her best to stay alert. The tension between Riley and the Elders was almost visible from how thick it is, and she just had to be at the crossfire.

She subtly trailed her eyes to the 6 Elders surrounding them, gauging what they were thinking before they started whatever demonstration they wanted to see.

Elder Olseyir, the newest addition to the Elders, still had her entire body covered in her pink cloak and robes; making it impossible for Aerith to get a read on her.
